Need Help! - stuck on plateau

OK I have been stuck at the same weight since the end of August and it is really ticking me off. I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet and I am exercising like I am supposed to and I am still not losing! I am getting extremely frustrated trying to lose these last 20lbs. I know that I should not get hung up on the actual number but my body composition is not changing either. I have lost zero inches and my clothes still fit the same. Any suggestions to get out of this slump?


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Are you eating 1200 calories before or after exercise?

    The 3 times I've kickstarted my weight-loss again it required me to increase me caloric intake, I'm eating close to 2000 calories a day and have been losing...
  • AmyBB
    AmyBB Posts: 1 Member
    I agree. You just might not be taking in enough calories! Good luck,
  • cdaye8184
    I am in the exact same position! I've been doing insanity all summer and i've only lost five pounds since may. I don't know whats happening! Last monday i started shakeology, hopefully this helps me get off this plateau and as soon as I finish insanity, I'm moving on to chalean extreme. Hopefully the weight training will help me better than the cardio is doing. Don't get me wrong, i have lost weight, inches and toned but it's not the same. I want to lose the last 20 pounds too!
    Hopefully people have some advice for us!!!
  • chr2108126
    It just takes time, just like it took time to get to your former weight. The last pounds always go slower. Maybe just amp up the exercise a bit.
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 174 Member
    plateau's usually consist of a time frame of 6-8 weeks, less then that is usually not a plateau. I went through a plateau and the only advice I have is to STICK WITH IT and CHANGE IT UP. Change up your excercises....make sure you eat all excercise calories also 'cuz on 1200 calories your body might be holding onto the weight.....not wanting to let go 'cuz it's hungry........
  • Ekeras
    Ekeras Posts: 22
    Hi! I am feeling the same. To get over this, I'm thinking of tweaking the exercise a little bit. I'm going to add in some strength training and change up the exercise routine just enough to give the body a bit of a shock. For example, I run 3 times a week.. instead of a stead run, I'm going to do interval training and sprint/walk one day out of the week to switch it up and confuse the body.

    Good luck! Hope you get over the plateau soon! Just don't be discouraged and give up!
  • mhopp71
    mhopp71 Posts: 46 Member
    you can try a couple of things that have worked for me. I spike once in a while. I eat anything I want. Pizza, ice cream, candy bars, anything. I will gain back 2 lbs or so. I then take a couple (4-5) days off from gym as well. I went back and hit it hard and dropped 10 lbs quickly. I have read that spiking with carbs/sugars is good for the matabolism but also understand that not everything works for everyone. Another time I just stopped exercising for a week and a half and increased by calorie intake to about 1800. I gained nothing back and when I went back to the gym I started mixing up and changing up my workouts and again lost 10 lbs rather quickly. just suggestions but i would change something up if i were you. Have a blessed day!!!
  • NYLatinaCR
    I am stuck at a plateau also....

    I agree with everyone here.... You have to SHOCK your body...... drastically change calories and exercise about every 6-8 weeks.

    Whatever we do, our body eventually gets used to it, so we have to do something different....

    I am thinking of getting a 7 day cleanse to restart my weightloss.....

    Blessings and prosperity in reaching your goals!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I am right there with ya, I have gotten stuck before though and I changed up my exercise and my food abit...I have realized its alot of trying can do it though you can friend me if you want any support...our numbers are pretty close