How did you choose....



  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
    I chose 200lbs as my goal, according to BMI I should be in the 140-180 pound range but I just can't see getting that low. I do see 200lbs as being achievable and a good weight for me and my frame. I figure, when I get down to 200, I'll reassess and if my doctor and I think it is reasonable I'll aim for something in the recommended range.
  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    Well, I'm actually 20lbs under what my initial "goal weight" was when I started losing 3 years ago. It sort of went like this:
    Original goal = 180lbs (wedding weight)
    Next goal = That was pretty easy! Keep going! Look better than at the wedding! Hit 170lbs pretty fast.
    Next goal = Sub-170lbs! Hung out around 167lbs for about 1.5 years; was pretty content. Then started getting into triathlons/longer distance running, so wanted to drop a few pounds to make running easier. So that led to....
    Next goal = 160lbs - achieved and spent about 6 months there. Now....
    Goal = 150lbs/size 6-8/hips = 38" ;-)

    It's really not much about the weight anymore, it's more about toning and making adjustments. I'm really close to the size I was in high school, so I'm very happy with that, especially since I have way more definition on my arms and back then I did then. I'd really like to drop another pant size (go to a 6/8 vs an 8/10), get a big more definition in my core/legs, shrink my hips by 1"-2" (that might be a Hail Mary prayer, but I'll try!), and get stronger and faster on my lifts and my races. Oh, and have my BF in the 15-18% range. As long as I'm consistently moving towards those goals, even if just by increments, then I consider myself pretty happy =)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I chose it based on a size I previously liked when I was in college. I am essentially at my goal (well, 2 pounds off) and I am not completely happy with how I look. My middle is still softer than I would like.

    In the past 2 months I have stepped up my toning efforts and will be maintaining for a little while until I see how my strength training (pilates) transforms my body. My weight hasn't budged much in the past month or so but I am losing inches, which is a good sign. I think the strength training really comes more into play as you get close to goal, more so than a random number I picked 30 pounds ago. Cardio is all well and good but as I have learned, without strength training of any sort, you'll still be soft/flabby.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    I took pretty much everything into consideration. Pants size, shirt size, bra number, BMI chart, etc.
    But in the end I really just looked at where I was, and I just picked a number that seemed reasonable and doable. :)
  • The middle of my normal BMI weight is 147, but my lowest weight in my adult life is 148. Plus 148 put me at a 70lb loss so I picked that number. I am 12.6 lbs away from my goal.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i used this

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I kinda picked 150 out of thin air..figured it would plop me in the middle of my healthy BMI range. Ironically, its right in line with engineman's chart since I'm 5'9" I'm 17 lbs from there now, so we'll see when I get there if it feels right!
    i used this

  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    I chose my goal weight by seeing what was "supposed" to be good for a person that is 5'4" and I "should" be between 120 and 140 so I picked 130. I also want my jean size to be a size 9 or 7. I would be happy with either. *shrug*
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I chose a weight that was lower than I've ever been as an adult, thinking that I would never get there. Since then, I have adjusted it twice - lowering it! I am still over weight by the BMI, but I don't think that it is really applicable to large men.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Honestly, it's just a guess of what my original goal dress size is, but the closer I get, the more my goal(s) changes. Now I want a completely flat stomach and muscular back, so I'm almost certain my end weight will be less, but I don't want it to seem so long away, so I'll just start a new ticker once I reach my original goal. :)
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i went smack in the middle of my healthy weight range just to give me an idea where to start. i honestly have no idea what i want. i could care less about the actual number, i just want to put on my size 5 jeans with a snug shirt and not have muffin top. :)
  • loreleijade
    loreleijade Posts: 16 Member
    Actually my goal is an interval (between 130 and 138). I've set my lowest goal weight to the weight I was happiest with in high school, but I realize it might be a tad unrealistic hence the upper limit. That's the weight I've maintained all through college.
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 5'7" and picked between 140-145 because I thought it was a weight I could reasonably maintain long term. It took me three years to lose enough weight to get there, and I've maintained it for about a year now, so I think I'm on the right track. I can now wear a size 10, I don't think I've ever been that size in my adult life. Well, maybe for a week once when I was on my way up to the weight I used to be. :tongue:
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    I chose 125 because it is a healthy weight for my body, I'm 5'3. Also, I was 115-125 in college so I would like to get back down to that. When I get to my goal weight I will decide if I want to lose more or not.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I went bang smack in the middle of BMI, which would make me 134lb, decided as I got closer that was no where near enough though, so Changed it to 122lb
  • Well,I still have the same goal but am so happy with the progress I have did so far. I didnt think I would be happy til I reached that exact goal but I'm halfway there and already happy. I'm kinda stuck right now havent lost in weeks but I would much rather be at the weight I am now than what I was 6 monthes ago.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    i found a wt chart showing healthy weight ranges that depend on your wrist measurement. According to my measurement (6.25 inches) I have a "large" frame, so I chose 140 because it was in the middle of that range.
  • my weight goal was based on a weight that looked and felt right on me several years ago. it was during another one of these journeys. it was on my way down to a BMI friendly weight. once i got down to that far, both my wife and i felt i did not appear to be healthy at the BMI approved weight. there is a picture of me on the beach in 2000. i liked the way i looked then. so that is how i choose. i thought it was interesting that my weight goal appears on Engineman's chart as the heavy end of what i interpret as acceptable. i am good with that.
  • I choose my goal weight to reflect the time in my life when I felt the best and the healthiest. My goal is 120, because that is about what I weighed Freshman year of college. 120 is also a good balance that fits in my target weight range.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I chose my goal weight based on BMI. At my goal weight I will be normal. I may choose to adjust from there.