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Over the past 13 years I have been slowly getting heavier and heavier. On 7-24-11 I hit the big 200 lbs and thought ENOUGH!!! I have tried diet after diet and attempted many different exercise regimens, but I had little success and always fell back into the same routines that got me heavy in the first place.

Then my friend turned me on to ViSalus. I thought to myself, "well I have already tried similar weight loss shakes and they just weren't for me". However, I went to her Challenge Party. I was shocked at how delicious these shakes are. I was also pleased with all the different ways we could change up our shakes. That was one of my biggest problems with the other shake replacements I had tried in the past. I trust my friend and I could see that she was having success with this product, so I decided to take the leap.

I have never been so excited about a weight loss product. This REALLY works.

I have been on the challenge for 77 days now and I have lost 25 pounds, and 5 1/2 inches from my waist. Might not sound that great to some people, but here is the best part. With all the past diets I have tried, ALL of them made me feel punished and deprived. I don't feel that way this time. These shakes are such a "treat", that I don't feel like I'm missing out on candy and pop. Plus, I have never been a very "disciplined" dieter. I can't watch other people mow down on pizza while I gnaw on a celery stick. With ViSalus, I can go ahead and have that pizza and everything will be okay, just have a better dinner tomorrow...and I STILL LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!! That has never happened for me in the past. I know exercise and healthy eating are good for me and I am learning to eat healthier and I am trying to fit exercise into already busy life. ViSalus gives me the flexibility to change my lifestyle at MY pace.

In the first few weeks of my challenge people starting complimenting me. Saying I looked really good. I couldn't see it at first, but I could feel it. I had more energy and just felt healthier. Then one day I was packing up for a trip. It was going to be a hot vacation and I needed some shorts and Capri pants. I had gone to Vegas 5 months earlier and had brought a pair of Capri pants. Unfortunately, when I put them on I could barely button them, I couldn't breathe. So I tucked them away. Now, as I am packing up I remember these pants and think "Do I dare try them on?". I did and THEY FIT!! Not tight AT ALL!! That was a very happy moment.

From there I have been losing weight, getting healthy, and gaining confidence. I recently hit another milestone. I finally knocked down my "Wall Weight". In my past dieting and exercising expeditions I would get down to 180 lbs, but couldn't get below that weight. I began to call it my "Wall Weight". This became very frustrating. Thursday morning (9-15-11), I stepped on the scale and I was below my "Wall Weight" :). Thank you ViSalus.

I can't wait to actually make my GOAL weight :)

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