Garage Gym Help!

kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
edited October 3 in Fitness and Exercise
My husband and I want to turn our garage into a gym but I need some advice! Our treadmill is already in there and is going unused because our garage REEKS like garbage. We have to keep our garbage can in there at all times (except for garbage day) because we live in a townhouse complex and there are rules about this. The can is city-issued and has smelled since before we moved in (previous owners maybe?).

Any tips on making the space more tolerable?


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    can you get those odour eater garbage bags? I think Hefty makes 'em...line the bottom with dryer sheets too, and make sure you take it out regularly. how about composting the banana peels and stuff, that way it doesn't smell so bad. You can use decomposing material or worms (I'd totally use the material lol)...and make sure the lid is on tight at all times. stick it by the big garage door so what ever air that smells can leak out the door. That's about all I can think of
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