Why do I do this?



  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    I have an alarm clock that is a sunrise simulator. I definitely is nice to slowly wake up to light rather than have your alarm screaming at you BEEEEE BEEEEEEE BEEEEEEEE BEEEEEE BEEEEEE BEEEEE BEEEEEE.

    I used to just smash the off button and go back to sleep........which mean sleeping in a lot.

    I never sleep in anymore. I actually get up early enough to make breakfast. This morning I had bacon, eggs, and avocado before work :)
  • akburmeister
    YUM! I love avocado :) I should also note that the Taste of Home Granola To Go Bars are awesome :) I make a pan at the beginning of the week and have them ready for snack and breakfasts :) Just google it for the recipe :) They are so filling and the calorie count is awesome.

    I noticed today that I drank NO water but had 2 diet cokes... Definitely not helping me out... I think half the time I am dehydrated instead of really hungry...

    Takin my puppy for a walk then heading to Zumba. Thanks to you all for your suggestions and feedback I appreciate ALL of it.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    I don't eat grains, but thanks for the suggestion :P

    I do, however, make my own jerky. DELICIOUS