


  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    Thank you to everyone who was positive and truely trying to be helpful. I will look for some of those products that were suggested. I'm glad I am not the only one who had some issues. Thanks again for your help
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    What is snarky?

    The person I quoted was a very good example of what snarky is.

    snark·y/ˈsnärkē/Adjective: (of a person, words, or a mood) Critical; cutting; testy
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I read this book, Skinny *****, and they bash the heck out of that stuff in there. Ever since I read it, I won't touch the stuff. They back their stuff up with facts, they're not just hatin' on it for no reason.

    Apparently, it was denied approval by the FDA 9 different times before it passed and some sketchy events lead to it eventually getting approved. It actually makes your body store fat cells and increases appetite.

    Stevia and truvia are good substitutes, they have no calories, and they taste like sugar. I like Vitamin Water Zero, it's one of the rare drinks that actually has stevia in it instead of aspartame, acesulfame, etc. Anything else labeled "diet" or "zero" I'm always weary of until I check the ingredients.

    Just thought I'd share the info!

    This was Great information to share. I did quite a lot of research too and I came up with similar facts. I am glad you shared it.
  • kmurph55
    Hmm I've never heard of that before. I cant seem to get away from diet drinks that contain aspartame.... for years I have been drinking diet soda, tea, fruit drinks.... anything using regular sugar tastes wayyyyy too sweet to me. Nothing else really appeals to me :( .... I usually have about 3-4 diet drinks a day.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Well, it hasn't increased my appetite, and my fat is going away, so clearly its not a "fact".

    so much scaremongering!

    So you wont touch aspartame, but you will eat Stevia...


    Snarky people suck.

    Omg no need to be rude! Stop bullying me! Im offended.

    etc etc.

    Just saying, there is no solid evidence of Aspartame being bad for the average person when consumed in reasonable quantities. Ofc there will be people who suffer from it, same as anything else, but on the wholes it's pretty safe. My Stevia reply was just to show that if you find the right report anything is deadly.

    It's like saying that aeroplanes are dangerous as they crash! I've seen it on the tv!

    What you dont see is the millions of flights that are perfectly fine. How many people use aspartame and have no ill effect at all? Millions around the world i'd wager...
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I think Tab still exists and is made with saccharin, the oldest artificial sweetener and my personal favorite. But there are great stevia sodas out there now too.