Other thread was locked.

I just asked if anyone on here was Ana/Mia
I wasn't promoting EDs, just wondering.


  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    If that first one was locked, so will this be....
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    recovered ana here..
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Yup. This will be locked, too.

    If you want support for recovery, you should say that.
  • erin123456
    Alright. I want support from people in the same situation.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Yup. This will be locked, too.

    If you want support for recovery, you should say that.
    Agreed. Or find a support group locally or online, not here.

    However, if you are asking for mere support reasons, whatever. If you're asking just out of curiosity, that's kind of rude. Kind of like asking "So, who all has cancer here?" Not a good thing. At all.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    Alright. I want support from people in the same situation.
    Then I would honestly try locally, or put feelers out on here. Probably not in the forums though, because unfortunately the threads will get locked :/
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Alright. I want support from people in the same situation.

    That isn't quite the same thing, is it?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Alright. I want support from people in the same situation.

    you want support to recover? Or continue?
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Theres a number at the bottom of the forum rules in regards to this if you need help or info....

    Good luck, for real. Don't do anything to hurt yourself.

    We're all here for help and support also.
  • erin123456
    Just support. To not feel so alone. I don't want a bunch of people sitting there and judging me every time I rant about how fat I feel. Because that's all people ever do.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    We all have our battles. If you need help, while I am not in your situation, I will do what I can..
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Just support. To not feel so alone. I don't want a bunch of people sitting there and judging me every time I rant about how fat I feel. Because that's all people ever do.

    When you rant about something, your pretty much asking people to judge you and give advice. Just like saying oh I'm wondering if anyone is ana/mia.. it makes people wonder what you really mean. Work on the wording and stop being so afraid to state what you really want..

    People on MFP can't help if you don't say it.. after all, we are on the internet and none of us I assume are mind readers that can magically reach through the computer and figure out whats in your brain.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Just support. To not feel so alone. I don't want a bunch of people sitting there and judging me every time I rant about how fat I feel. Because that's all people ever do.

    When you rant about something, your pretty much asking people to judge you and give advice. Just like saying oh I'm wondering if anyone is ana/mia.. it makes people wonder what you really mean. Work on the wording and stop being so afraid to state what you really want..

    People on MFP can't help if you don't say it.. after all, we are on the internet and none of us I assume are mind readers that can magically reach through the computer and figure out whats in your brain.

    Completely true. We cant help if we dont know what you need
  • 16mixingbowls
    16mixingbowls Posts: 205 Member
    what is ana/mia???
  • krissykross
    what is ana/mia???

    Pet names for anorexia and bulimia.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Just support. To not feel so alone. I don't want a bunch of people sitting there and judging me every time I rant about how fat I feel. Because that's all people ever do.
    Hi Erin. I hope you find the support you are looking for. An online forum may not be the best place for that. But I do know the power of feeling you are not alone. That is important.

    Have you talked to anyone at your school? Your profile makes it sound like you may live at home. Are you under 18? I'm sorry you aren't getting support from your parents.

    It would be a REALLY good idea to find a person you can talk to who can physically be sitting across from you, someone you can look in the eyes, someone you can establish a trusting relationship with. I'm not saying you can't establish a trusting relationship online... OK, well. It's late. Yes, I am saying you can't. I'm oversimplifying for brevity, but I think you need to connect with a safe, responsible adult in real life.

    I'm not trying to treat you like a baby. I promise. I want you to get help. And I suspect that there are people where you live that can help. Can you drive? I don't know how independent you are. Please know that I am not trying to turn you away from this site. I think MFP can be a great tool and a supportive community. I just really want you to use MFP as supplementary support. Please.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Just support. To not feel so alone. I don't want a bunch of people sitting there and judging me every time I rant about how fat I feel. Because that's all people ever do.
    Hi Erin. I hope you find the support you are looking for. An online forum may not be the best place for that. But I do know the power of feeling you are not alone. That is important.

    Have you talked to anyone at your school? Your profile makes it sound like you may live at home. Are you under 18? I'm sorry you aren't getting support from your parents.

    It would be a REALLY good idea to find a person you can talk to who can physically be sitting across from you, someone you can look in the eyes, someone you can establish a trusting relationship with. I'm not saying you can't establish a trusting relationship online... OK, well. It's late. Yes, I am saying you can't. I'm oversimplifying for brevity, but I think you need to connect with a safe, responsible adult in real life.

    I'm not trying to treat you like a baby. I promise. I want you to get help. And I suspect that there are people where you live that can help. Can you drive? I don't know how independent you are. Please know that I am not trying to turn you away from this site. I think MFP can be a great tool and a supportive community. I just really want you to use MFP as supplementary support. Please.

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Just support. To not feel so alone. I don't want a bunch of people sitting there and judging me every time I rant about how fat I feel. Because that's all people ever do.

    Honestly, I'm not sure if this is the best forum to get that kind of support - although there are some people here trying to gain weight, it sounds as though you really need some pretty specific advice and support.
    I know there are lots of support services out there and I would really encourage you to google "anorexia support" in your area and see who you can find.
    Good luck and take care.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.
    The forum guidelines include this item:

    18) No pro-anorexia or pro-bulimia posts. This includes signatures, profile names, and profile bylines. Eating Disorders are medical conditions requiring professional medical attention. MyFitnessPal does not permit the endorsement of any ED behavior, and strongly recommends that anyone suffering from the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, or Compulsive eating make use of the resources offered by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. You may reach the ANAD hotline by phone in the US: 847-831-3438 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, Central Time) or on the web at http://www.anad.org/site/anadweb/

    Even support groups at this time are not allowed because of the difficulty to monitor them.

    Also if a thread is locked, please do not try to repost that thread again..

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:


    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.