What the h^ll is better than candy and cigarettes? (Seriousl



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I've eaten *some* candy every day since forever and am trying to cut out refined sugar and white flour....While simultaneously quitting smoking.

    Basically I'm going insane. I've been trying to ride through the cravings with gum and diet sodas but I read aspartame makes sugar cravings worse! Broke down and ate a bunch of my friend's frosted miniwheats while I was at her house. I'm at that point. It's sad.

    Any suggestions for good sugar alternatives? My friend said snap peas and I nearly hit her. I want a gummy candy and a Marlboro!!! Helppppp

    self confessed ex-marlboro red smoker here and sugar addict. i still eat candy now and again...but the smokes have GOT TO GO. giving up smoking is not as hard as you think...sometimes, it's tougher to look than it is to leap. Lots of smoking cessation therapies are available...you only need ONE drag to satisfy your body for enough nocitiene craving for an ENTIRE day. take it day by day, one day at a time :-) you soooo can do this..I say this with great confidence as I have the will power of an amoeba...and if i can do it..anyone can.

    P.S..nothing...and I mean NOTHING can replace a candy bar. Giving anything up is hard because you are telling your brain you will never ever have something that brings you pleasure. it's perfectly OK to have candy now and again...ignore the sugar numbers.
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