What the h^ll is better than candy and cigarettes? (Seriousl



  • If your craving something fizzy try 1/4 cup of juice with 3/4 cup soda water is great. soda water has zero calories. Not candy, but skinny cow has some fantastic ice cream, that range from 100 cal to about 140 cal each.
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    Fresh fruit: Nice crisp apples (esp pink ladies) , frozen grapes, a good ripe peach!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I am going to chime in and say. .. . . I QUIT at the beginning of this year. . . . and used WALMART BRAND NICODERM CQ. . it really helps a lot. . . . . .

    Long story. . but I had quit 11 years ago and then I picked them up for about a year after the death someone I loved this time. .

    Dumb thing to do. . but regardless. . I have quit successfully twice in my life with the use of the patch. . It helps to gradually take

    you off of them.

    ***And, like the others here have said. . I would quit one thing at a time. . that way it is not too much stress on you. . . Personally

    I would quit smoking and just cut down on your candy consumption for right now.

    Best of luck to you.:smile:
  • loakit
    loakit Posts: 5
    Yeah but wellbutrin is in my opinion not a helpful solution - I try not to ingest any drugs except occasional herb and mood-altering pharmaceuticals are especially on my black list!
  • loakit
    loakit Posts: 5
    Hmm! I thought about using one of those. I always see them walking through chinatown :)
  • loakit
    loakit Posts: 5
    Yeah dark chocolate's been a livesaver. And I love that chocolate almond milk, it's insane-o good...Pretty high sugar content though.

    I started making hot cereal with just unsweetened almond milk and cocoa powder (make a roux then add it into the cereal) - the sweetness from the starches and from heating the milk makes it taste like chocolate, plus cereal like Red River and cocoa from the bulk store are really cheap!!
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    How about making yourself a healthy but tasty crunch mix--walnuts, cashews, peanuts, cranberries, raisins, sunflower seeds. That way you have something to keep you occupied thats also good for you while you're trying to resist these things.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,757 Member
    This is tricky, because part of the issue with the cigs (and I'm a smoker) is the hand-to-mouth habbit. MANY people who quit smoking, don't replace the hand-to-mouth habbit, so they replace the cig with food. Be careful of that!! That's why so many people claim that quitting smoking makes you gain weight; it doesn't, it's just those people replacing the cig with food.

    For candy, I don't see why you'd have to QUIT. I'm a rebellious person, so if I take away something I love, I'm likely to rebell and end up binging on it later. That serves no purpose. I would just get smaller serving, like the mini's, and only have one per day, maybe as a dessert. Then work towards only one every other day, then maybe just one a week. One little mini a week isn't going to kill you or your calorie count!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm in a similar boat, but im losing the weight first, then when i've maintained for a while, the ciggies. Ofc, that's if the switch goes off in my head like it did for calories!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    You are setting your goals very high. I have to agree with the folks that say quit one at the time - your choice. Once that is accomplished, tackle the other. I don't know if you like celery on the quit smoking thing but my doctor told me that celery takes more calories to chew than actual calories contained so it has negative calories. If you like bananas, put one in the freezer then cut it in chunks and put in the blender. It blends up and eats like soft serve ice cream. I add a little sweetner and a couple of nuts to mine and it is so good. It helps me with the sugar/sweet thing. Good Luck
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I've eaten *some* candy every day since forever and am trying to cut out refined sugar and white flour....While simultaneously quitting smoking.

    Basically I'm going insane. I've been trying to ride through the cravings with gum and diet sodas but I read aspartame makes sugar cravings worse! Broke down and ate a bunch of my friend's frosted miniwheats while I was at her house. I'm at that point. It's sad.

    Any suggestions for good sugar alternatives? My friend said snap peas and I nearly hit her. I want a gummy candy and a Marlboro!!! Helppppp

    self confessed ex-marlboro red smoker here and sugar addict. i still eat candy now and again...but the smokes have GOT TO GO. giving up smoking is not as hard as you think...sometimes, it's tougher to look than it is to leap. Lots of smoking cessation therapies are available...you only need ONE drag to satisfy your body for enough nocitiene craving for an ENTIRE day. take it day by day, one day at a time :-) you soooo can do this..I say this with great confidence as I have the will power of an amoeba...and if i can do it..anyone can.

    P.S..nothing...and I mean NOTHING can replace a candy bar. Giving anything up is hard because you are telling your brain you will never ever have something that brings you pleasure. it's perfectly OK to have candy now and again...ignore the sugar numbers.