Hooked on Diet Soda!



  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    I lost 80 lbs and drank diet soda every day. I do also drink a lot of water, but I didn't give up diet soda.

    One of the arguments I remember reading against it was that the artificial sweeteners in diet soda makes you crave sweets and therefore eat more sweets. That wasn't true at all for me. I gave up SUGAR, and that made my sweet tooth go away, but I never gave up diet soda.

    Anyway - don't sweat it. Diet soda isn't any worse for you than coffee with artificial sweenteners.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    havent given up my diet mt dew and wont...my weight is still coming off, but i also drink more water then 99% of users here. around 4gal per day.

    Holy geez!!! 4 gallons of water per day??!! That's crazy! You must be floating! lol
    I drink 5 litres of water, and I thought that was a lot.

    I drink between 32oz and 64oz per day although I wish I was drinking around 96oz per day but I pee every hour as it is, every 30mins would drive me insane lol.
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    Just out of curiosity, exactly how are they flavored if they are sweetener and calorie free?

    Also, sweet misery is a heavily biased documentary with an anti-sweetener agenda that is full of misinformation and even some complete lies.

    It has natural flavors and they are very mild, sometimes you can barely taste the difference. But they are still great!!!

    As far as sweet misery.... I know it is out there and out dated... I will look for some of the other research I have read that supports this and post.... Most importantly I know from my own experience... My migraines and vertigo were so bad I was missing work and missing out on life. I was drinking about 4 diet sodas a day and adding splenda on everything. when My doctor told me this could be the cause I quickly stopped. I haven't had a migraine in over two years (since I stopped drinking diet soda). Other people might not be effected but as for me I am a true believe that artificial sweeteners are toxic. you don't have to agree.
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    The aspartame in diet soda used to cause headaches and shortness of breath for me. But the symptoms vary for people, some don't notice anything. But yes, it will provide some hydration, along with chemicals you really don't want. The research will make you never want a diet soda again.

    If it works for you now to curb cravings then it may be an okay solution for you now but maybe try to rule it out in the long term.

    Actual research doesn't reveal anything outlandish about aspartame. Now, fear mongering research with an agenda and a bunch of horrifying false claims, that's a different story.

    Aspartame can lead to different reactions in different people, then again, some people can eat barrels of peanuts, and others can die just from someone else eating a single peanut within 20 feet of them.

    Actually, if you do a search on Pubmed or BioOne there are plenty of great articles done with aspartame. You are entitled to your opinion though. :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There have been several thousands of studies done on aspartame over the past 50 years. It's considered safe for consumption by over 100 different national governments. It's no worse than any other food item. It's made from 2 amino acids, one of which the human body naturally produces, the other which is an essential amino acid, phenylalanine, which can be a bad thing for people with PKU. Of course, cheese, soy, milk, fish, meat, and eggs can all be equally bad for people with PKU.
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    As long as you're not drinking more than 2 litres a day you'll be fine. However diet fizzy drinks/ soda do contain calories it's not that many though think it's like 2/3 per 500ml bottle depending on the drink. The reason it's labeled as 0 calories is because in the USA any product under 5 calories is allowed to be labeled as 0 calories.
  • shaybug21
    I love those sparkling water drinks too- you can by them by the liter bottle in walmart or in the Dollar General, and they are like 2 for the price of 1 soda. Walmart has TONS of flavors- my two favorite are lemon, and Pineapple coconut (the pinapple coconut one tastes just like a virgin pina colada!)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I've got my crystal light packets that I normally drink throughout the day, I will drink 1 or 2 32oz containers of water during the day, but when the night hits and I get food cravings...I go for a diet soda since it curbs cravings and is 0 calories.

    Is having diet soda, once per day....or even 2, going to slow or hurt my work out if it doesnt have any calories?
    I know water is my best bet but I want to know from people who have experience with diet sodas. Thanks!
    Hasn't stopped me for over 28 years.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't think that diet sodas will stop weight loss at all. I won't drink them for 2 reasons, those being the chemicals that affect other parts of your body (my dad's neurosurgeon told him to specifically stop drinking diet sodas after he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease because the chemicals can negatively influence cognition) and they taste like crap. If I have a soda, I go for the gold and take my chances with real sugar. I just eat slightly less that day to work in the 200 calories from the Mello Yello.