hi,joined today!

This site was recommended to me by my daughter.I'm feeling motivated to lose a stone!


  • mlbrox
    mlbrox Posts: 41
    Welcome, Love!
    I am quite new to this site, too. So far I absolutely love it! It keeps me on track and it is fun cataloging every little thing I eat or do as exercise. I have been enjoying my lifestyle change and have been at it for almost a week. I would tell you how much I have lost already, but I do not have a scale to weigh myself on. I hope to get one soon!
    I wish you the best! You will do great! =)
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey! This site has wonderful success stories and plenty of people in the same boat - it's a great motivator!!

    Also, sonicat & Michelle: I recently purchased the glass scale which is by TheBiggestLoser and it's awesome! Only like $29 and weighs in 10ths so you can see if you've lost even less than 1/2 lb... good luck, it definitely helps to see your progress. I also suggest some good 'before' photos to be taken now... that way you have something to see with your own eyes later... Have fun!
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Welcome.. you will love this place its amazing and very encourgaing. You can add me as a friend if you like x
  • Good for you Michelle, hope you get the scale soon so you can track your progress and from experience don't weigh every day, only once a week in the morning when you wake up.
  • sonicat
    sonicat Posts: 14
    thanks !I will add you as a friend,I feel i'm back on track again !
  • Gio2369
    Gio2369 Posts: 82