2 lb per week weight loss?



  • studge960
    studge960 Posts: 1
    Definitely doable with a healthy diet and exercise. Don't cut out, just cut down. I went from having 8-10 coffees a day with full fat milk and 3 and a half sugars in down to having 2 coffees a day with 2 sugars an milk. I have been drinking about 8 lasses of water a day and eating regular healthy 3 meals. I went from doing absolutely no exercise to walking 45-60 minutes a day. In the 1st week I lost 4lbs and on my 2nd week today just weighed myself as I lost another 2lbs. Definitely going to keep it up and going to start adding some strength training
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    This thread is nearly three years old....hopefully by now the OP has lost the weight and is maintaining successfully :)
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    There's so much misinformation about "starvation mode". Your body will not cling to excess fat if you eat too little. It doesn't work that way. Your body will burn fat (and muscle, if necessary) until there's nothing left to burn.

    This website explains it pretty well: http://www.nowloss.com/starvation-mode-myth.htm

    Also, lol, old thread is old.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    oops double posted
  • eemukas
    eemukas Posts: 6 Member
    i lost 6 lb per my first week. i consumed 1100-1200 calories per day. Also i was doing 40 min cardio and some weight lift each day.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    To have a 2lb per week loss, you need 1000 cal per day deficit, but MFP does not let your goal go below 1200 cals per day, so if you don't have enough cals per day to make your deficit that high - i.e your BMR is under 2200, then you won't have a projected loss of 2lbs. At a guess your BMR (what you would need to eat to maintain) is around 1800-1900 per day, so you have a 6-700 cal deficit, meaning the max you will lose is a bit over a pound. Hope that makes sense, and good luck.


    Also, do you really need to lose 2 pounds a week?

    I suggest reading this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants