weight fluctuation??

I'm really frustrated that one day my weight will be lower and the next day or so it's up 2-4 lbs. How much of a weight fluctuation is normal and how can I keep it steadily going down? Thanks so much for any input! =)


  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    it could be a number of things, you should only weigh yourself once a week, and most people would say pick a specific day and time, preferably in the morning after you've gone to the bathroom. if you just started a new exercise your muscles could be retaining water, or a high intake of sodium will also retain water.
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    Most people who respond to this type of question say they weigh themselves once a week so they don't get depressed by such fluctuations. This is a good example of what works for one person not working for another. Weighing myself weekly would not work for me. I would hate to rock along for a whole week thinking I am doing well and step on the scale and see that it went up leaving me wondering what, specifically, I had done wrong. That's the main reason I weigh myself daily and track it in a spreadsheet on Google Docs.

    Because my daily weight can fluctuate by as much as 5 pounds either direction, looking at just that, it would be hard to tell how much I have lost which is why I also track my weekly weight.

    I have a chart of my daily and weekly weights. My daily weight chart bounces back and forth. However, my weekly chart always goes down (at least it always has for the 5 or so weeks I have tracked it.) Charting both keeps the daily fluctuations from bothering me because I can see that the weight does ultimately go down each week.

    One of the main reasons I track my weight daily is because I want to find out what my body is doing in response to what I am eating. I can correlate what I eat to my body's response better if I track my weight daily. The daily weight fluctuations don't really bother me anyway since I know they are to be expected.
  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    I do hate that a lot. Mine does the same thing as well. However, one thing for myself that I am loving is now that it doesn't fluctuate up into the 160's anymore. The lowest I have weighed myself is 153, so now it fluctuates anywhere from 153-156.

    I also weigh myself everyday. (multiple times too! I notice usually around noon after being up for few hours is my lowest weight. Never right when I wake up!) Since I am not eating very healthy, but watching my calories, I am very curious about how that is working for me. So far it has been working okay!