Weightloss, Breast Implants, and Fitness Modeling



  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I have them...my body fat isnt nearly as low as yours lol, but i had small boobs when i was heavy and they just kept getting smaller. Now I am def more proportionate. I went from a small B to a D......My husband and I love them :)

    Awesome! See my husband loves the idea of me getting some, so do I! I want some like Katy Perrys or fitness model Vanessa Tibs. I also LOVE Arianny Celeste's boobs.. I just have nothing :( Granted I would not trade my 6 pack for anything lol but I sure want some cleavage! I guess Im wanting to feel mor "feminine" ya know?

    Next question-Should i wait till after i have kids? Does pregnancy really screw up fake boobies THAT bad??? Cause I want them NOW! lol.

    How big did you go and are you happy with your size? Also, did u go the saline or silicone route

    I havent had kids, so I can't really comment on that. I have PCOS which is the leading case of infertility, and I dont plan on even trying untill Im about 29 because my husband and I want to travel/ live closer to home when we have kids (he is in the AF). I know it is taboo to get them before haivng kids sometimes, but since I don't know if I will be able to have them/ I can still enjoy them for several years before even thinking about kids, I got them.

    I feel SO much more feminine...when I look back at my pre op pics...I look like a young boy.

    Some people don't even know I have them bc they are not giant. 350 or 375cc (I cant remember) silicone took me from small B (basically an A, but I bought padded Bs to make myself feel better lol) to a D. So good for my self confidence.

    My hubs is in the AF too! He is deployed :( Haha yeah I feel like a young boy.. I neeeeed something to be done. I want a large C or a small D. I heard silicone is best and more real looking.
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    As long as you don't go too big for your frame I think they are a great option. They can actually look very natural when someone has not gone too big. Doctors will try to push larger, but go with what you feel in your heart. My mom worked for plastic surgeons for years so I know this. Also, just make sure you find a great doctor who listens to you.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Fake boobs just seem like another thing we're made to believe we need by the constant media images thrown at us. So many risks associated too, from the general risk associated with any surgery to the risk that you'll probably want more work done after. Small, natural and happy for me please.
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    I got my implants put in when I was really fit and had my body fat was around 18%!

    I was a fitness instructor and was teaching lots of classes etc, so always wore tight tops etc. After having 2 babies i was a AA cup!

    It made me depressed so i got impants in to make me upto a C cup. After the op i ended up as a 32DD, and that was them putting the smaller ones in lol

    I have a small frame but they don't look overly large for me! All the men i know love them, and mine are very natural. I have a pic of me 3 months after they were done. I dont know how to put it on here :( so i will put it on my profile for you to see!

    Mine are very natural, i have no visible scarring and they are really soft like real breasts!

    IMO it was the best thing i ever done! But you need to make the decision for you, cos it is an incredibly painful procedure!

    Caz xx
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    As long as you don't go too big for your frame I think they are a great option. They can actually look very natural when someone has not gone too big. Doctors will try to push larger, but go with what you feel in your heart. My mom worked for plastic surgeons for years so I know this. Also, just make sure you find a great doctor who listens to you.

    No way no big melons. I actually like Nicole Richies new implants. They are small and right for her petiite frame. My frame is the same as hers so Im looking into what will fit my body. Dont want to look FAKE and drastic. Some girls go way too big.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Well, I had mine done after I lost all my weight after having my third child (now I have 4 lol probably because of the implants!) Anyway, I had them done about 8 years ago- It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Now, I am not one to want anyone to feel bad about their bodies or feel the need to change something- I am actually quite a natural loving person. BUT my boobs went to a small saggy B after 3 kids breast feeding and I just didn't feel sexy... at all.

    Once I had them done, a whole new world opened up to me as far as clothing- bathing suits, workout wear- you name it. It all looks good once my weight is in check.

    Someone else said it- and I totally agree- do not go too huge. I let the dr decide what he felt was good for my body- telling him I wanted a natural look- and he did a perfect job. I hate the look of giant fake boobs on these tiny petite women- they look like they could tip over. Also, I have saline- and no- they do NOT feel natural. At all. period.

    BUT they look awesome! Good luck.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    One more thing- shop around- interview doctors. All doctors are not created equal. This is the kind of thing that it pays to go to the more expensive doctor if he has a better reputation and a lot of experience. There are cheaper doctors (by several thousands- you'd be suprised!) but I would not recommend going to one- you will get what you pay for on this one. (in my humble opinion)
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    I'm very small chested, naturally but also because I'm quite lean. I have also had 2 kids (so they are pretty much non existent, but I've learned to love them this way, it's part of the package). What I can say is, if you haven't competed to be a fitness model flat chested to see where you will place, then I wouldn't even consider it. It's not always just about how you look, there is a lot of politics in fitness modeling and it's very hard to get into it. I follow Figure, Fitness, Body building comps and go to a few per year to support the athletes and I always have more respect for the women (they all work hard) but those who can work it without the fakies impress me even more with their confidence and the air they have about them. Lil cute boobs are just as good as big boobs IMO. Now I wouldn't say I would never get them, it's just I think the $$$ could be better spent in other areas of my life before them.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    Well, I had mine done after I lost all my weight after having my third child (now I have 4 lol probably because of the implants!) Anyway, I had them done about 8 years ago- It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Now, I am not one to want anyone to feel bad about their bodies or feel the need to change something- I am actually quite a natural loving person. BUT my boobs went to a small saggy B after 3 kids breast feeding and I just didn't feel sexy... at all.

    Once I had them done, a whole new world opened up to me as far as clothing- bathing suits, workout wear- you name it. It all looks good once my weight is in check.

    Someone else said it- and I totally agree- do not go too huge. I let the dr decide what he felt was good for my body- telling him I wanted a natural look- and he did a perfect job. I hate the look of giant fake boobs on these tiny petite women- they look like they could tip over. Also, I have saline- and no- they do NOT feel natural. At all. period.

    BUT they look awesome! Good luck.

    Did your 4th pregnancy affect your implants? EVERYONE is telling me to wait till after I have kids to get them.. Does it make that big of a diff? What size did u get and did u get silicone or saline?
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    NOTHING beats those abs with a nice rear and some athletic built legs. however, its ya'll choice and seems like your mind is made. My wife has fake ones. I didnt like at first but they actually were better after kids. they looked and even had a more realistic feel. In stead of firm and a "stay put stance no matter what" they relaxed but reamained "perky" and looked much better IMHO.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I might get them after I reach my goal. Mine are pretty sad after weight loss, 3 babies and being older. But yeah, I've had all the babies I'm going to have.
  • OrabGirl
    I would love to get implants and will do so once the kids are grown. I won't do cosmetic surgery while the kids still rely on my to meet their basic needs.
  • Caz2678
    Caz2678 Posts: 49
    Hope this works!
    Here's my pic, 3 months after they were done. Not the greatest pic of me tho lol


    Mine are cohesive gel and when they are in a bra they look amazing! lol
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I thought about getting them,im not small have never been,but after going from a FF to a D they could use a little work. I was thinking about going back up 1 more cup size lol mostly because when I lay down I want them to look like im still standing up:laugh:
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I have considered them time and time again. My wallet decided against it for me, lol. So, for my competition coming up, I just ordered those "chicken cutlet thingies" for the bikini top to push up and together the boobies to "create" cleavage. That way was SO much cheaper than the surgery, and no down time, either! :bigsmile:

    But, if I could, I would. In a heart beat. Do you and don't worry about anyone else. By the way, you are SMOKING hot!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'm with the itty bitty titties group -- I'm just an A, barely, and always have been.
    I've had 2 kids, and yes, they do change drastically during pregnancy and after. And I breast fed both of mine for a while -- there's nothing like that, if you can do it.

    I agree w/some of the smaller girls here, and with bry_all01 (YAY for "chicken cutlets") -- there are TONS of good push-up and miracle bras out there, and they're much safer and cheaper than surgery.

    1. I like being able to REMOVE my boobies when I'm not in the mood to wear them -- now I have them, now I don't! :laugh:
    2. I will never sag -- there's not enough there for gravity to take over
    3. As my husband says, more than a handful or mouthful is just wasted anyway
    4. Who am I trying to impress? I'm 40, and I finally like my body just the way it is.

    I've got no advice on the fitness modeling thing -- but I think there's nothing sexier than natural, strong women. Which you already are.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I got implants after I had my daughter, so I'm not sure how pregnancy would affect it. I absolutely love mine! There are definitely pros & cons, and I agree w/ an earlier poster that said to research doctors! So important and you need to find someone w/ good reputation but also that you feel comfortable with. The only real con for me was the recovery..it was super painful and you really can't do much of anything for about a week. Feel free to message me if you need more info!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I hope you don't, cause there's just so many reasons against fake boobs.

    Go on. Im listening :) I want to know what a man truly thinks of em!!

    I'm sure that I'll be different than most men. But personally, I'm not a fan of surgery and things like that. There are too many complications and problems that can arise from having them done. Plus some women get them too freakin' big for their body.

    I'd rather have naturals then fakes. Age happens, it's something you should learn to accept and progress with, instead of trying to "fix".

    Oh, and FYI, boobs > *kitten*. But natural > fake. Any day.

    and if they look like deflated balloons???
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Well, I had mine done after I lost all my weight after having my third child (now I have 4 lol probably because of the implants!) Anyway, I had them done about 8 years ago- It was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Now, I am not one to want anyone to feel bad about their bodies or feel the need to change something- I am actually quite a natural loving person. BUT my boobs went to a small saggy B after 3 kids breast feeding and I just didn't feel sexy... at all.

    Once I had them done, a whole new world opened up to me as far as clothing- bathing suits, workout wear- you name it. It all looks good once my weight is in check.

    Someone else said it- and I totally agree- do not go too huge. I let the dr decide what he felt was good for my body- telling him I wanted a natural look- and he did a perfect job. I hate the look of giant fake boobs on these tiny petite women- they look like they could tip over. Also, I have saline- and no- they do NOT feel natural. At all. period.

    BUT they look awesome! Good luck.

    Did your 4th pregnancy affect your implants? EVERYONE is telling me to wait till after I have kids to get them.. Does it make that big of a diff? What size did u get and did u get silicone or saline?

    I got saline implants (silicone was kind of taboo when I got them done) but I have friends that have silicone and they feel much much nicer. As far as size, I went to a 36 DD. I know that sounds really big, but I am 5'10 with an extremely athletic build. I am not slight.

    I was really worried about them when I got pregnant again because I had heard the same exact thing. BUT I am thrilled to say, pregnancy came and went- my boobs are still exactly where they are supposed to be and they look exactly the same. Also, I was able to breast feel until my baby was 7 months- no problem. but that is not always the case- so if breast feeding is really important to you, really think about it- there is a risk you won't be able to.

    Also, I had mine done under my muscle which I think has really helped them stay in place and look much more natural.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Pregnancy changes your breasts. i actually like mine more now. I dont have implants of course though. if i had unlimited funds i would get them after i am finished having babies. But that will probably never happen. You mentioned you wanted Katty perry's boobs, on your body it would look like a porn star, which is gross. You will need some body fat to hide the big ones.