I finally joined a gym! I need big push to go!

I am finding it's hard to push me to go! The 24 hour fitness is huge compare to my small Y. I feel overwhelmed when i go. I know I should love it because they have new cardio machines that my Y never had. Another thing I have to push myself to use the weight machines, that's something that I never done in the past when I lost 40 pounds on WW and I never had muscle tone because I didn't do strength training. HELP!!! P.S. my husband doesn't understand why I have a problem! He tells me to get over it!


  • Eleisabelle
    Get one of the trainers to show you the weight machines, and maybe to help you put together a good circuit routine. That can help remove the intimidation factor.

    It can be overwhelming, but just remember the good it will do you, and how it will help change up your routine for more effective fitness training. :) You'll be okay!
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    maybe you should have stuck with the Y? Big gyms aren't for everyone, and that's a lot of money spent if you don't even WANT to go.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I'm the opposite. I'm stuck with a gym that is smaller and has less equipment, more restricted hours, etc. My advice to you is to find one machine that you like and start there. For me, it was the elliptical machine. I started out doing 20 minutes a day on that, and built it up one extra minute per day, until I was at about an hour. Then I started adding other machines in. If all else fails, talk to someone at the gym. That's what they get paid for. You don't have to have a personal trainer in order for them to show you how to operate the machines.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    he's right. you gotta just jump in girl. make a routine for yourself. I pack my gym bag and bring it with me in the morning and head straight to the gym after work. its not a choice, its just part of my day. just go.
  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    I went to the gym a few times and didn't know what to do. That's why I stick with the at home things. LOVE Beachbody's products. Currently working on Insanity and love it! :)
  • bearinthebigbluehouse
    TY for all of you responses! I would love to go back to my Y but I just can't afford 65/a month! It's cheaper at 24. I tried and I have lots of dvd's at home. I thought about a treadmill in the house but at the gym I would have more access to other machines then just a treadmill. I went once to the gym and did the ellpitcal trainer and a machine called"stepmill" it's like a stair master but it's moving stairs and that was harder then I thought! I loved it though, it made me sweat, but I only could do it for 5 minutes. I think once I get used to going, it will get easier. Once I was on the machine and moving it got better.
  • jeffsgal105
    jeffsgal105 Posts: 195 Member
    hmm, how much is 24 hr fitness then?