Weightloss and food

I have now been on mfp for 2wks and i have always stayed under my calorie intake but i am probably not eating the best foods to up my weightloss potential. I am still going to fast food restaurants even though when i go i get the most healthiest thing i can find on the menu but i feel like its not helping at all with my weightloss goals. I really need to lose this extra weight. I recently applied for some health insurance and they denied me because of my height and weight, which really depressed me for a minute. I just dont know where to start when it comes to food. I always seem to get off in that department. Does anyone know of any sites with some good recipies or meal plans that are not too expensive i could follow? And any tips you can give on foods that i can eat so that i stay out of the fast food lines and start to shed this weight....

Thanks in advance :smile:


  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    You can check out books from the library for free. I would highly recommend anything from Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Jackie Warner, Harley Pasternak, Dr Weil

    www.eatingwell.com (recipies)
    www.webmd.com/diet (free plans, recipies, etc.)

    Best of luck!! :happy:
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Also www.healthydiningfinder.com gives you meals at fastfood and regular sit down resturants that are healthier options
  • KickinBooty
    Something that's really kind of basic and is helping me a lot is to shop around the outside of the grocery store and avoide the middle aisles with a few exceptions. Beans can be really good for a variety of recipes. Making your own soup and freezing it can save a ton of money when you bring it to work with you.Try to think back to basics, i.e. the ingredients are easy to understand, there's not a factory involved to manufacture it, and it's not full of preservatives. Look for food your grandparent or great-grandparents would have eaten a lot of.

    I am loving spaghetti squash-try your vegetable section-you can put marinara or pesto on it and it's filling and takes on the taste of sauces well. It's really easy to cook-cut in half, scoop out the seeds like you would a pumpkin, put some olive oil on the inside along with pepper or some other salt free spices to give it a little oomph, flip it over into a pan or baking dish, and cook in your oven at 375 for 30-1hr depending on the size, when it's done (you can tell because it's a softer and a different yellow color) take out the squash, flip it over, and use a fork to "twirl" the squash. It's high in fiber, nicely filling, and fun to experiment on-I used Indian curry masala the other day and it was super tasty!
  • FitBridget
    FitBridget Posts: 30 Member
    One thing that helped me when I was starting and didn't know what I was doing, I got Healthy Choices or Lean Cuisine microwaveable meals to have for lunch every day. They're reasonably healthy, low calorie, and really helped me learn about appropriate portion sizes.