80lbs to go!

I'm not new to MyFitnessPal, but I *am* new to actually using MFP to it's full potential. There's really a lot of stuff on here to help keep me on track!

I'm 24, and I realized that I'm finishing up the first quarter of my life--I shoudl probably try tackle the rest of life with a healthy body. I'd love some online friends here, so send me a message and we can push each other to be better for ourselves. :)

I'm not interested in weight loss so much as I'm interested in starting to live life healthy--the weightloss is a perk. Working out and eating right aren't just overnight things that become habit with a snap decision. They take work, especially when I'd like to re-wire my brain to no longer reach for the second pot of coffee, and instead switch to water or tea without thinking about it.