Detoxing or cleansing to start a diet.



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I did a 10 day cleanse I bought at walmart....
    This just sounds all kinds of bad...Walmart?
  • oswaldbowser
    oswaldbowser Posts: 164 Member
    You dont need any fancy powders, miracle pills etc etc....just buy some very good multi vitiman pills as your body is probably lacking at the moment due to previous bad food choices.

    Spend more time shopping for vegetables than spending your time looking at all the marketing hype for miracle powders...and drink plenty and I mean plenty of water during the day.

    I use a good quality protein powder with no sugar or carbs in it just as a snack replacement or to push up my calories, its cheap as it comes in a plastic sack with minimal packing......
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    You can try all natural things, fruit, veggies, etc. Do some research. Good luck !
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    it changed my perspective on food in the long run. if i can live off of juice for 3 days i can put down the slice of pizza...

    I agree--I did the Master Cleanse for 3 days before starting MFP, but NOT b/c I thought it was some magical way to rid my body of toxins or to lose weight. I did it as a fast to retrain my brain/stomach to know when I am truly hungry as I was a "boredom" eater. It really can change your perspective on food--that 1st month or so of calorie reduction were a lot easier b/c my limited calories felt like a feast compared to "lemonade."

    As a side-note, I did NOT notice any (ahem) "cleansing" occurring over those 3 days--which supports those who say cleanses don't really work for that purpose.

    As someone else said--you'll get all kinds of opinions on this sight--bottom line is, as long as it's not for any extended period of time and you are healthy in other respects, it's probably fine to try a cleanse if that's what YOU want to do. It may be a waste of money, it may not. You may get some benefit from it, you may not.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I find that the best cleanse before starting a diet is cleaning out my fridge and using lots of Simple Green until it's fresh and clean smelling and ready to receive delicious, wholesome whole foods!!

    My liver and kidneys do a great job on their own when I drink sufficient water!


    Little Miss Helpful...
  • yary317
    yary317 Posts: 32
    Day before I start a " diet " I detox my body
    Light breakfast, green salad for lunch, fast for 5 hours then drink
    2 cups of Senna Tea back to back...

    Hope this help!
    MCDKI Posts: 16 Member
    I did a 7 day cleanse diet , 3 vitamins a day with veg +++++ and white protein(fish and chicken)
    I had protein drink daily for breakfast .

    I lost 5 lbs in the week and lost all my cravings for sweets and really worked for me

    give it a try
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I just think this to myself...'would I tell my daughters to do it or would I tell them to eat their fruits and veggies and be a healthy human being'?

    I would never tell my daughters to just drink juice or eat pills or suck on lemons (trying for funny) for an attempted healthy life style.

    So, when does it change? Where does it become acceptable for adults to put crazy things in our bodies in the name of health or weight loss when we would tell our children its crazy?

    This is just what I do. I'm not trying to be rude or nasty.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    I just think this to myself...'would I tell my daughters to do it or would I tell them to eat their fruits and veggies and be a healthy human being'?

    I would never tell my daughters to just drink juice or eat pills or suck on lemons (trying for funny) for an attempted healthy life style.

    So, when does it change? Where does it become acceptable for adults to put crazy things in our bodies in the name of health or weight loss when we would tell our children its crazy?

    This is just what I do. I'm not trying to be rude or nasty.
    This! If you wouldn't let your kids smoke, then why should you? It has nothing to do with maturity like sex, it's about what you're doing to your body.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I just wanted to add to this topic briefly since someone chimed in with the Shakeology cleanse...

    I honestly believe that Beachbody did a MAJOR DISSERVICE to themselves, their customers, and their coaches by introducing the Shakeology Cleanse once they saw how popular the product is on its own. I personally have been a coach since 2007...and I also drink Shakeology as a snack because I love the taste, it's easy to prepare, and it eliminates the need to swallow a horse pill vitamin because of the goodness in it. However, on the topic of "cleansing" and "detoxifying" I think it's horrid that someone would take a healthy meal replacement...and have only that 3 times a day plus a salad with a little chicken (which is exactly the Shakeology Cleanse protocol which is, gasp, less than 800 calories per day for 3 straight days!)

    When Shakeology was first released, it was advertised and marketed because of the probiotics, digestic enzymes, etc. it was supposed to naturally enhance your body's GI and kdney tract functions simply by replacing a normal snack or meal with Shakeology. Lots of people tried it and confirmed their claims that, hey, this stuff is healthy and has positive affects on your body. And then, they came up with this "great" idea of starving yourself with less than 800 calories consisting of 3 shakes, a salad with a lean protein, and possibly 1-2 pieces of fruit for 3 days as a way to remove "toxins" from your body. SMH. It's one of the reasons why even though I am a Beachbody coach, not many people on this website know about it because it is quite frankly EMBARRASSING that a company that supposedly helps people get healthy would introduce something like this simply to keep up with the latest fad in the weight loss industry.

    Contrary to popular cleansers' thought, our colons aren't toxic carrying around years of undigested crud. Yeah, maybe things have slowed down because you are eating processed garbage...but your body doesn't need something special that includes eating loooow calories or juices or shakes to correct this. It needs exactly what it was made to use...real healthy food and water. This is what your body needs to function correctly. Eat right, drink water...that's all you need.

    Of course people lose weight on the Shakeology Cleanse...they are starving themselves for 3 straight days! I would lose a hell of a lot of weight too if I cut out 600 calories from my diet for half a week. But it would have little to do with what I was actually eating and a great deal with the fact that I wasn't eating anywhere near my BMR.

    I love my Shakeology, don't get me wrong...but I totally disagree with using it as a "cleanse." Just like I love lifting weights...but totally disagree with dumbing it down to a "shake weight."
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    cabbage soup diet! it usually helps me get back ontrack and motivated!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I just wanted to add to this topic briefly since someone chimed in with the Shakeology cleanse...

    I honestly believe that Beachbody did a MAJOR DISSERVICE to themselves, their customers, and their coaches by introducing the Shakeology Cleanse once they saw how popular the product is on its own. I personally have been a coach since 2007...and I also drink Shakeology as a snack because I love the taste, it's easy to prepare, and it eliminates the need to swallow a horse pill vitamin because of the goodness in it. However, on the topic of "cleansing" and "detoxifying" I think it's horrid that someone would take a healthy meal replacement...and have only that 3 times a day plus a salad with a little chicken (which is exactly the Shakeology Cleanse protocol which is, gasp, less than 800 calories per day for 3 straight days!)

    When Shakeology was first released, it was advertised and marketed because of the probiotics, digestic enzymes, etc. it was supposed to naturally enhance your body's GI and kdney tract functions simply by replacing a normal snack or meal with Shakeology. Lots of people tried it and confirmed their claims that, hey, this stuff is healthy and has positive affects on your body. And then, they came up with this "great" idea of starving yourself with less than 800 calories consisting of 3 shakes, a salad with a lean protein, and possibly 1-2 pieces of fruit for 3 days as a way to remove "toxins" from your body. SMH. It's one of the reasons why even though I am a Beachbody coach, not many people on this website know about it because it is quite frankly EMBARRASSING that a company that supposedly helps people get healthy would introduce something like this simply to keep up with the latest fad in the weight loss industry.

    Contrary to popular cleansers' thought, our colons aren't toxic carrying around years of undigested crud. Yeah, maybe things have slowed down because you are eating processed garbage...but your body doesn't need something special that includes eating loooow calories or juices or shakes to correct this. It needs exactly what it was made to use...real healthy food and water. This is what your body needs to function correctly. Eat right, drink water...that's all you need.

    Of course people lose weight on the Shakeology Cleanse...they are starving themselves for 3 straight days! I would lose a hell of a lot of weight too if I cut out 600 calories from my diet for half a week. But it would have little to do with what I was actually eating and a great deal with the fact that I wasn't eating anywhere near my BMR.

    I love my Shakeology, don't get me wrong...but I totally disagree with using it as a "cleanse." Just like I love lifting weights...but totally disagree with dumbing it down to a "shake weight."

    I wish I could "like" posts^^
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I do not recommend a cleansing kit. Your body is capable of cleansing itself without any products. You can detox by simply eating only fruits, veggies, beans/lentils.

    I have done it before and it works!!! Your body will let you know that it is ridding itself, trust me. I slimmed up very quickly because I lost the bloatedness and (sorry for being gross) but doing a number two more than once a day and seeing its consistancy is a sure sign that your body is cleansing itself. I lost several pounds very quickly by doing this. Also, the things I eat are very filling so while I do get hungry as my body adjusts to the diet, I'm not hungry all day long.

    This is what I eat/don't eat:

    DON'T EAT:

    Anything that comes out of a can/bottle/bag/package - nothing processed
    Anything fried
    Wheat or rice products
    White potatoes
    Meat (except fish, see below)
    Oils - except olive oil


    Lots of Veggies!!! Eat as many as you want especially green leafy veggies
    Cook your veggies in olive oil
    Green leafy salads are topped with olive oil and balsamic vinegar only (I didn't like it at first but because it's healthy, my body now craves it!)
    Nuts - Make sure they DO NOT contain hydrogenated oils or salt. Buy the natural ones even though they don't taste as good
    Fish - Salmon, Tuna, Tilapia, sardines, etc Make sure it is baked and not fried! (to make it easy, this is the only thing you can eat out of a can. Put it on your salad. Canned salmon has a lot of calcium because the bones are still there to eat)
    Beans/Lentils - cook your own, no cans; find a recipe for lentil soup that only called for the addition of veggies - it is very filling

    Hope this helps. I loved it!!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    No detox here before starting MFP.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Oh and only drink water.... no sodas, coffee, etc. You're not supposed to drink caffeine, but I do drink green tea.
    If you order fish and veggies in a restaurant, make sure the fish has no glaze or salt/pepper added and the veggies do not have anything added either.

    Happy detox!

    I do not recommend a cleansing kit. Your body is capable of cleansing itself without any products. You can detox by simply eating only fruits, veggies, beans/lentils.

    I have done it before and it works!!! Your body will let you know that it is ridding itself, trust me. I slimmed up very quickly because I lost the bloatedness and (sorry for being gross) but doing a number two more than once a day and seeing its consistancy is a sure sign that your body is cleansing itself. I lost several pounds very quickly by doing this. Also, the things I eat are very filling so while I do get hungry as my body adjusts to the diet, I'm not hungry all day long.

    This is what I eat/don't eat:

    DON'T EAT:

    Anything that comes out of a can/bottle/bag/package - nothing processed
    Anything fried
    Wheat or rice products
    White potatoes
    Meat (except fish, see below)
    Oils - except olive oil


    Lots of Veggies!!! Eat as many as you want especially green leafy veggies
    Cook your veggies in olive oil
    Green leafy salads are topped with olive oil and balsamic vinegar only (I didn't like it at first but because it's healthy, my body now craves it!)
    Nuts - Make sure they DO NOT contain hydrogenated oils or salt. Buy the natural ones even though they don't taste as good
    Fish - Salmon, Tuna, Tilapia, sardines, etc Make sure it is baked and not fried! (to make it easy, this is the only thing you can eat out of a can. Put it on your salad. Canned salmon has a lot of calcium because the bones are still there to eat)
    Beans/Lentils - cook your own, no cans; find a recipe for lentil soup that only called for the addition of veggies - it is very filling

    Hope this helps. I loved it!!