Going on vacation next week to an all-inclusive

I think I can handle it. If it is like going on a cruise then I'm good, our last cruise I lost 5 pounds. We are always busy and sometimes have trouble fitting in meals. I know we will be doing a lot of walking, swimming and possibly riding bikes.
Any one with any advice on going to an all-inclusive for vacations?


  • jenfactor
    jenfactor Posts: 124
    I don't know but would love to hear some advice, as I'm going on one in the end of October!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    only advice i can give you.....ENJOY!!!
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Enjoy yourself and don't focus too much on food! It will all be second nature to you when you make your choices.
  • nmitch415
    i agree ENJOY!!! im betting you dont go one these vacations to often, enjoy, and have fun for the rest of us:)
  • justimmy22
    justimmy22 Posts: 17 Member
    I say try to make it a point to walk to each destination. The all inclusive resort I went to on my honeymoon was huge and though they had shuttles to take you to each area, it was within reasonable walking distance and it was romantic to have that time alone to talk to my husband. Swim when you can, it's fun and exercise so you can't be that. Las of all, I always sabotage myself by saying i'm on "vacation" but try not to look at it that way. Just make decisions that you would normally make and not talk yourself into straying and i thin it'll be fuN!!! Have fun!! I'm jealous
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm sure you'll be fine. You know what's good and not good to eat, and you have the will power to keep making the right choices.
    Whatever else you do, ENJOY it!!
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    only advice i can give you.....ENJOY!!!

    I second this!! Unless you go on cruises or go to all inclusive resorts monthly then I would'nt worry about it. My cruise experience was full of fun/beer/and good eating choices. I was the only one out of 15 people that didn't eat the 800 calorie chocolate lava cake.
  • mlwestbury
    mlwestbury Posts: 17 Member
    I recently went on a 7 day western carribean cruise and during the spa tour on the first day they offered a 4 day bootcamp course which was an additional fee. This helped me stay on routine with working out. I didn't limit myself to much on the food I enjoyed. I ate at meal time and took small samples. If it wasn't extremely good I didn't eat it. Enjoy your trip you will be busy and there wont be to much time for snacking. If you can help it stay away from the cocktails with the cute umbrellas haha! Have a shot and save on calories.

    HAVE FUN!!!
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    You mostly get a lot of different choices. I went to a Sandal's resort back in June, but was 6 weeks pregnant so I had to be even more picky about what I ate for the baby. Trust me, it is do-able. They have fruit, etc in the mornings and I had an omelet most mornings to get in my protein. The worst time for me was lunch because it's mostly like grilled cheese, quesadillas.. but not too bad. Dinner you can have the option of a salad or soups. If you do want to indulge a little, you'll be okay. Trust me when I say they are not american-sized portions. lol The portions are a lot smaller, especially the desserts. Just keep in mind you still get a menu, so you can still have some control over what you're eating. Plus all the extra activities you'll be doing, you'll be fine!
  • swopeswick
    swopeswick Posts: 43 Member
    I just got back from an all-inclusive (at the Grand Sunset Princess in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico) a couple weeks ago and it was absolutley awesome! We've been on a couple cruises and a few all-inclusives and NEVER... EVER!!!! do we EVER worry about the food or drink we consume. You work hard all year to stay in shape so that when you go on vacation you can throw caution to the wind and ENJOY yourself without being uptight about gaining a pound or two. Lets face it... its only a week. The worst you are going to do is put on a few pounds, which should come right off as soon as you get back to your routine. In fact, I find it amusing to check the scale when I get back (NEVER do I check the scale while I'm away)... it refreshes you and presents a new challenge. The last time I took a cruise, I came back 12 pounds heavier!! Within 2 days, 7 of that was gone... certainly lots of water weight from the salty, fried foods and heavy drinks. Within 2 weeks I was right back where I was before hand.
    You work hard all year long... vacations are rare and expensive... enjoy it and do not even think about weight!!!