When to stop losing weight?


I need a little insight or a scientific lesson on how this weight loss thing works. I am 5'2 and I have recently lost 11 pounds. I am down to 133.4 and although I am very pleased, my waist has only lost half an inch or so! How can this be? I can see I have lost some weight off my arms, face, butt but my waist and thighs remain the same!

My original weight goal was to be 130 lbs, but I can't imagine losing all the flab or fat off my waist in 3.4 lbs. I would understand if it was genetic, but the skin is not tight around there, when I sit down I get a few love handles or are they called rolls?

So, how do I know what my goal weight should be? I have pushed it down to 127lbs. I remember last time I was in the mid 120's, about 5 years ago, I had a 26 inch waist and very toned legs. I don't think it'll happen now! I feel discouraged.


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Every person's body is different so you should probably consult your doctor to get a more definative answer. However, to really lose that fat around the belly/waist area you have to commit to eating healthier, no exercise will remove it! good luck!
  • tcpowell25
    I'm going through the same delimma. I posted a topic this weekend about the same thing, and I was told by some MFP members that it's time for me to start toning. It was suggested that I start lifting weights and other toning routines. At first I thought it was just flab. Now that the fat is nearly gone from my waist, I've noticed that it's turning into loose skin. By the way, my goal weight is 130 as well and I can't imagine losing any more than that. I'm 5'7 and I will look like a stick if I'm less than 130.
  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    Ah sugar, that is a tough one! I hear your agony. First off, how old are you? That makes a big difference in our bodies, weight, fat, etc. It gets much harder as we age :( For your height depending on your frame, I would think 125 would be great. Are you working out to try and tone those areas?
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    The question is - is that fat or simply flab? You might simply need to tone up that area in order to reduce the circumference of your waist. Weight is not the only marker of whether or not you are healthy.
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    For almost all women, the fat around the waist and thighs is the last to go. Some will go, but not at all evenly. Get to a weight you are comfortable with, then at maintenance weight and continuing exercise your body will even out the fat. I'm in the same boat. I'm almost at my goal weight, but now when i look at my face and arms I think I look skeletal but still have a large waist with love handles and rolls when I sit down or lean over and still have quite a bit of pinchable fat and cellulite on my thighs.

    I am hopeful that since the fat only remains there, then that is the only fat left to lose :)

    Another piece of advice as to when to stop losing - check your body fat %, preferably at a gym by a professional if you have that luxury, but there are some ok calculators online where you enter a lot of measurements and it gives you an approximation. This link (you will have to copy and paste) will show you how to calculate what would be a safe final body weight.


    Good luck!
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    Personally? I go by body fat % instead of weight. Get a body fat % taken, and you can do the math to determine your lean body mass. Then you can determine if you want to be 18% body fat (as an example) and get your ideal weight. Scale weight is just a number! You could be 100 lbs of lean mass and carrying around 30ish pounds of body fat. At 18% body fat, the ideal weight in that example is 118.

    If you add muscle and reduce body fat, you could look a lot different at 130 than you do now. If you had 120 pounds of lean mass, your ideal weight for 18% body fat would be 141!
  • ShannonMarie81
    I would suggest a really clean healthy diet..higher protein..and really target that area with "core" workouts. If you really want to see the results try "Insanity" the workouts are designed for what you are looking for along with a great healthy eating plan. I am doing it now and seeing great results! I plan to run through the program over and over until I reach my goal!
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    To lose inches, I would suggest more weight training. Although you may not lose more weight, you will certainly tone up and lose inches. Good luck!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I'm sure you look great. Don't be discouraged.
    Adjust your goal and see how it goes.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Toning is definitely the answer. I'm about your height and I'm really close to my goal weight and definitely still a bit flabby. I'll be incorporating more overall exercises and some strength training, in addition to my running, to help. The number on the scale is just that: a number. We can't expect that when we hit a specific number that we'll suddenly be fit and trim, that takes exercise.
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    Sorry MFP.... The Guided Nutrition will help the avg person get avg results.

    I set it to lose a pound a week for 2 weeks and then gain a pound roughly over 2 weeks.

    Its hard to do both. It all starts with the Nutrition . DO the Custom.....Nutrition. Ideal is 40 percent carbs 40 percent protein and 20 fat... Eat most of your carbs early and around your workout time. Make the Diet work for you and not vice versa. You will be much happier with a Life change then a diet for life.

    to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle. At min for a Fitness Like Body IMO you have to do weights M -w -F Cardio T Th Sat Rest Sunday. But you will have to find what works for you. Just to lose a pound I have to eat 2100 cals - 210 carbs 210 protein......Sounds crazy,,I know. To gain a pound, I am pushing 3000 cals. Friend of mine who did the above when she was 170 but now is 130 and 10 percent fat. IT is your fat body % along with measurements that should guide you. I have gained 8 pounds and people say I look smaller.

    A female friend who does 40 40 20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2HgsNaHGF8 week before a show in which she does 70 20 10 - But on avg 40 40 20 -- Depends on how you want to look and live
  • haykicks