Lean Cuisine



  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I eat them when my husband is on night work because it's just easier.

    They are my LAST choice,believe me. I try to choose the lowest calorie ones I can find.

    I could NEVER do an entire meal plan of these!
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    For me, I've had them, but again...they don't really leave me satisfied and they're usually too much sodium for me as I have to watch my sodium intake carefully. The convo in the kitchen sparked my curiosity though so I figured I'd ask other for their opinions and experiences. I appreciate the comments.
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    I keep a lean cuisine (or a Presidents Cjoice Blue label entree) in the freezer at work at all times. It's my "Oh my goodness I am running late and don't have time to pack a lunch" emergency food. One of those and a diet yogurt and I am usually ok. I certainly wouldn't use it as a daily thing as I would get bored but for a quick alternative they are sure handy!
  • FitBridget
    FitBridget Posts: 30 Member
    I ate them every day for lunch when I first started losing weight. They really helped me learn what a proper portion size is for a lunch. Now I can buy stuff at the cafeteria at work without wondering what a portion size looks like, and eating way too much food.

    I think if you have trouble with finding time to make a lunch, or figuring out what you should buy at the cafeteria, or how to appropriately count calories when you don't have a food scale or measuring cups available, those meals are much better than the alternative, and you can certainly lose weight with them.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I typically eat one everyday for lunch and have lost 82 lbs.

    I eat a lean cuisine for lunch mon thru friday. Beter than the fried foods they serve in the cafeteria
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I bought a couple of the pizza ones when they were on sale, thinking they were a cheap and convienent work lunch. It was tiny, tasted icky and managed to be hard and soggy at the same time... but I guess that is probably what happens when you cook a "pizza" via microwave.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    I try and eat about 90% clean all natural foods. I find that there is too much "stuff" in prepared food. But that's just my thought :happy:
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I lost weight consistently while eating a Lean Cuisine (or similar frozen "diet" food) for lunch every work day. They kept me out of the drive-thru and helped me get used to eating smaller portions. I still managed to keep my sodium in line most days, since the other foods I was eating were low-sodium.

    Now, I'm working more on the quality and overall nutritional value of the food I eat, and I don't eat them any more.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    When I was on Weight Watchers, I pretty much lived off the lean cuisines/smart ones/healthy choice frozen meals for dinner (I reeeeeeally don't cook) so yes, you can lose weight. I was even eating Subway sandwiches and soup for lunch on those same days (so my sodium was well over 2500 mgs) and still losing.

    As for the spinach and artichoke lean cuisine? Try it. It's YUMMY! Just don't expect it to be a meal because there's not much to it. There are 2 servings in each box so each serving is really only 200 calories.
  • leslie0422
    leslie0422 Posts: 108 Member
    I only eat them at work for lunch out of convenience. But I try to only eat about 3 or so a week. I find that I can come up with better options if I have time...ones that are healthier (a lot less sodium, etc) and even more satisfying.
  • fatguyweightloss
    I recommend sticking to real food. Not only does it taste better but much cheaper as well. Processed food can be low in calories but usually low in nutrients and uses cheapest and lowest quality ingredients for cost savings.
  • Jess22542
    I eat them for lunch at work sometimes. There is a ton of sodium, but the calories are low. I try to minimize it, but they are fast and convenient. I just watch my sodium closely the rest of the day.
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I used to eat 1 everyday. The thought of them now make me sick and I can no longer eat them.
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    Personally, I like them. I don't eat them every day, but I have one in the freezer for lunch today. For me, they help becuase I don't always have time to pack something or make something, and they are much better than fast food in my opinion. I just make sure I watch my sodium intake for the rest of the day. I think moderation is the key.

    I agree. When I take one for lunch at work I try to watch my sodium for the rest of the day. For me I am not much of a cook, one of the reasons I am over weight today (too much fast food or convient foods). It is all about moderation and trying to stay wihin your goals.
  • sandi228
    sandi228 Posts: 72 Member
    I have relied on them for taking meals to work that are 230calories or less; it helps with portion control and they are really tasty. The fact that the ones I have bought are on sale 5/10 makes them $2/meal and that is very affordable and better than what is called the wheel of death in the break room. If I have food cooked that is what I take but in a pinch the dinners make a smart and healthy choice compared to what's available if you don't have anything prepared for lunch.

    I still have belly fat and perhaps it's the processed foods keeping it on me, I don't make the time to change to just whole foods right now so I have to live with it.
    Good luck with losing and keep at it regardless of what others say and think, you have to do this for you!!!
  • krs5201
    krs5201 Posts: 30 Member
    I like them because they definitely are easy when I'm in a time crunch. Some of them are very good. I think one I really liked was a Thai Peanut one...

    My old roommate did Weight Watchers and literally her part of the freezer was only Smart Ones and I swear the pounds dripped off of her.
    But I really think it's like everyone says, it's just about portion control and calories in vs calories out.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I eat them every day - Lean Cuisines or Lean Pockets. Have I lost weight? Um...yeah. :smile: Works for me - might not for other people.

    Some of the meals really aren't tremendously low cal. It's like what other people have said - the portions are controlled. Knowing that, I tend to eat slower, pay attention, etc, so I get the most out of my lunch. If I brought my own, not having a food scale, I'd probably guess the size wrong.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    I eat them 3-4 times a week for lunch. I'm not a fan of leftovers in general, and because I work at 2 different locations, it's impossible to keep food in work fridge without it being thrown out. I think they're pretty tasty and filling enough for lunch until my afternoon snack of greek yogurt. I make sure to eat ones that have meat so I get some protein as well. The yummy thai chicken from lean cuisine I had today had 550g of sodium, which doesn't seem very high to me if the average should be 1500-2000 spread throughout the day. Granted, I don't spend too much time worrying about sodium, but it seems reasonable.
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    I eat them for my lunches @ Work because they're quick and easy.. They're okay, but not something that should be consumed for every meal. They help me stay within my calorie limits and as long as every meal I eat throughout the day is not completely filled with sodium I can balance it out.

    In all reality, I ate subway today and there was more sodium in a 6' sub than in my lean cusine.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I don't rely on convenience foods but I do pick up some Lean Cuisines when they are on sale, because they are the best of the frozen entrees when it comes to having good wholesome ingredients, vegetables and such. I have to eat two though, because most are like 250 calories which just isn't enough for me.