Does anyone out there have Mitral Valve Prolapse?

I gained about 60 lbs in less than 6 months due to a sleeping pill I was taking. I decided I needed to exercise to lose the weight but was scared to because of my heart. It has always acted "funny" and hasn't felt right so I went to the doctor to get checked out before I started doing any type of activity because during that time my symptoms were through the roof and would occur when I would be sitting at work without doing anything to raise my heart rate. So I just wanted to make sure it was safe for me to do anything. After a stress test, heart ultrasound and a second opinion from a cardiologist it turns out I have mitral valve prolapse. I am now on heart medication - the doctor said he only gives heart medication to his young patients on a NEED to basis - so when he prescribed it I was pretty worried. Unfortunately after getting my diagnosis I went online and researched it which scared me even more :( It has now been 10 months and I have yet to exercise because I'm too scared. I tried about a week ago and could only stand to be on the elliptical for 5 minutes!! I used to be able to do 2 hours !! I know the extra weight puts more stress on my heart and I know the weight MUST come off to make my heart and myself healthier but I'm scared I will over work my heart and it'll just give out! I've started to tear up and can't type anymore lol so if anyone out there has mitral valve prolapse and exercises and/or has gained/lost weight -- Do you have any advice or words of encouragement? I don't know anyone who has it so I don't have anyone to ask. Do I only walk? Is it safe to run? Is it safe for me to do anything? I mentioned earlier I could only do 5 minutes on the elliptical and I truly felt my heart was going to burst. I hope there's someone out there who can relate and give me advice! Thank you everyone :)


  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    I do have it, but it does not require any other medication than an antibiotic at dental checkups. Your case sounds a bit more serious. The best advise I can give you is to talk to your doctor and have him lay out a fitness plan to start you and have him monitor you. He may want you to wear a halter monitor for a while to see how these exercises are affecting you. But he/she is the best course of action. Good luck and do not get discouraged!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Your doctor should be able to give you an exercise routine along with any warnings. That would be the most important thing to do!! I would be very careful about getting aerobic, but start with just moving more. When watching tv, get up during the commercials and wash dishes, do some laundry, walk the hallway ... Google chair exercises (for the elderly, not chair Zumba) and take it slow! Maybe you should make a list of things that your doc can approve / disapprove?
  • I was diagnosed with Mirtrial Valve Prolapse many years ago in my teens. I have never done anything differently than normal people other people. I haven't even seen a cardiologist in about 20 years. My advise is to stop being scared and live your life as best you can. Good Luck.
  • ssnichole987
    ssnichole987 Posts: 29 Member
    You don't have to run 10 miles to lose weight. Just listen to your body and do what you can. Slowly work on your tolerance to exercising instead of jumping in right away. Take long walks and focus on improving your diet to start losing the weight and talk to your doctor about what exercises are safe for you to start out with. Good luck :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    what exercise you can do is a question for your doctor. my brother had this and was told NO EXERCISE of any kind, not even walking. he had to have a valve replacement at the age of 25. he went with a mechanical valve instead of a pig valve because it would last longer. he currently feels great (and is doing p90x), except when his coumadin gets out of wack (from too much beer. lol). he's 27.
  • My mom has this and has for as long as I can remember. She just has to take antibiotics before a dentist appointment. She exercises just as any other normal person would.

    My uncle didn't know he had this and didn't take antibiotics before his dentist appointment last winter and almost died....he was unresponsive in ICU and had fluid on his lungs from his heart becoming weak. He had surgery on his heart and is now back out working on the farm. He takes them before dentist appointments now but is not on any medications for his heart other than that.

    I would consult your doctor before exercising any large amounts, but you can still get back on track and work out! Take long brisk your 5 minutes on an elliptical if that is what it takes to get you back in shape!
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I have MVP as well. I also take antibiotics when I go to dental appointments. I've never been medicated for it. My grandmother and mother have it and I was tested for it at birth.
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    I have had MVP since birth, and had to be on medication as a child and young adult. I have not been on medication in about 15 years, and my doctor did not give me any exercise limits, so I haven't limited myself since. I do feel scared sometimes, when doing things like the elliptical, when my heart rate gets high, but I have mostly chalked that up to a mental block/fear of my condition. I would agree that you should consult with your doctor, as every case is different. It would also help you feel more confident and able, and I think you'd be able to enjoy your workouts more. :) Don't be discouraged! You're not alone.