I hate exercise... :(

I've lost all the weight...I'm a size 6 at 140lbs (5lbs less then my original goal). Now all I have to do is tone my body. But I HATE exercising! I hate it! And I can't seem to motivate myself to DO it. Any suggestions...please...anyone??


  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    Sometimes ya gotta do things that you dont like to get what you really want in the end. I suggest a personal trainer, somebody who can give you that push to do it, and give you the best results in the most efficient way possible.
  • Try finding something that you like. Exercise doesn't have to feel like exercise. It can be fun too. And this is coming from a person that used to hate exercising too.
  • I used to hate it too. But after you make yourself get into it you start to love it. You just gotta get started!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    You may just not of found the right exercise for you yet, try lts of things there will be something you enjoy. Also it tend to grow on you, i used to hate it, couldnt live without it now.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    The only suggestion is JUST DO IT!!
  • TonnaJai
    TonnaJai Posts: 49 Member
    Find something that you like doing doesn't have to be the same routine each time you work out...join a group workout session or invite others to join in with you :)
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    I was like you also. But I found a few things that I like to do. I like to go for a bike ride, I like to go to the pool. It doesn't have to be a chore. If you have kids, run around the park or yard and play with them. Take your dog for a walk, or start a dog walking business. I even do push ups using my kitchen counter (feet on the ground) while making dinner. Possibilities are endless. Good luck.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    What about exercise do you hate? If you don't like lifting weights and running on a treadmill, then how about a class? Yoga is great for weight lifting (you're lifting your own body weight). What about an aerobics class for cardio? I thought I hated cycling until I tried a spin class. Sometimes classes add an extra layer of energy that can motivate you and make the experience more pleasurable.
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    Thanks guys... I know I just need to do it and stop whining. But sometimes it can be pretty frustrating to be me. I'm about to do my pilates workout (begrudgingly...but oh well), so it's SOMEWHAT of a good thing!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Sounds like you may need to find some activity that appeals to your fun side. If you like it, it doesn't feel like such a chore.
    I walk because I enjoy being outside, the sites and sounds of nature helps clear my head. I also like yoga, for the stretching and relaxation. My favorite is the corpse pose. (yep, you lay there like you're a zombie)

    Group exercise may be your thing. Lots of opportunities there to join fitness classes.

    Simple things:
    Park further away from the store (make sure you're in good lighting though if its night)
    Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    Wear a pedometer and challenge yourself to walk X steps a day. You may find that you take extra walks around work etc, just to get those steps in.

    You lost your weight, and that wasn't by chance, you put in some hard work to get to where you are. You can do the same with exercise, just have to set your mind to it and take the first step. (no pun intended)
  • Biking, hiking, swimming, volleyball, softball, bowling...find activities that are fun. You don't have to do jumping jacks if you hate them.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    1) It feels better as your fitness improves. After a while, it feels great and you really miss it if you have to skip a day.

    2) Find a way to incorporate it into your day so it isn't something you specifically have to go and do. I get most of my exercise cycling to work and back, and to other places I have to go. I need to get there anyway, it doesn't take all that much longer than driving, and it gives me quiet time to warm up to the day and wind down after work, rather than anxious time negotiating traffic. Walking works, too. I try to work to do my grocery shopping, which can give me a bit of strength exercise as well, if it's a big shop!

    3) Find a way to make it less boring. For me, that means listening to audiobooks and podcasts while I exercise. (I love curling up on a sofa with a book, but with audiobooks, I get my "reading" fix and fitness at the same time). For others, it means music or exercising with friends. Or if you regularly have long phone calls with your mum or a boyfriend or friend, or phone meetings for work, why not walk while you talk?

    4) If all else fails, break it up into smaller and smaller steps. This week, just promise yourself that you'll don your exercise clothes each morning - only that. (You may find that once you've done it, you you might as well exercise anyway). Next week, promise yourself 10 minutes exercise each day. 10 minutes isn't much! And so on - build it up.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    If you Want it...GET IT meaning, you need to Move to GET it,
  • coullmom
    coullmom Posts: 133 Member
    I hate excercise as well.....but I enjoy playing the Wii!! Find some friends and spend an hour playing some games on the Wii and you won't even know the time has passed!!
  • MeredithRN
    MeredithRN Posts: 119 Member
    I am the same way. I started exercising this morning and as I was coughing/dying as a result from avoiding exercise like the plague... I kept telling myself... "if it was easy, everyone would be looking like X." I know tomorrow I am going to do be hardly able to move out of bed.... and have already started convincing myself to put on my big girl panties and suck it up. (Actually I started telling myself at noon, haha!)

    Best of luck to you... and to everyone else who hates exercise. Everyone says you learn to love it... thats what I'm praying for!
  • Sounds like you may need to find some activity that appeals to your fun side. If you like it, it doesn't feel like such a chore.
    I walk because I enjoy being outside, the sites and sounds of nature helps clear my head. I also like yoga, for the stretching and relaxation. My favorite is the corpse pose. (yep, you lay there like you're a zombie)

    Oh, me too! I like just laying there! That and downward dog! Weird I know. Lol.
  • My friends really like Zumba. Have you tried that? It's really fun. Like what the others are saying, maybe you haven't found what works for you, yet.
  • ShannaKayB
    ShannaKayB Posts: 157 Member
    There have been a lot of good tips and ideas already given so the only thing I have to add is the 30 day shred. I hate exercising as well but tomorrow will be day 30 for me. The sessions are short enough that I can convince myself to do it and get it done and see some great results. I love that I don't have to leave the house to do it and don't have to worry about anyone seeing me red in the face and about to pass out. Good luck. I hope you are able to find something to get the results you desire!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Try belly dancing…., It really tones your body & it’s fun.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I've lost all the weight...I'm a size 6 at 140lbs (5lbs less then my original goal). Now all I have to do is tone my body. But I HATE exercising! I hate it! And I can't seem to motivate myself to DO it. Any suggestions...please...anyone??
    Gotta hate being FLABBY more than hating exercise. You have to clear that up first.