annoyed of people in real life...



  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    Once upon a time, I was just like that too. People who blow you off just aren't ready yet, but one day they will be. No one can force you to do it, you have to want it.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    After b^tching about their weight I have, in the past, convinced a few friends to join... only for them to quit after a couple of days. Oh well. Their loss (or gain?).
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I can relate to this. I have a lot of people who ask how I lost my weight...when they realize it's not a quick and easy "diet," some lose interest. Others seem to be inspired to try some of the same things...and I love when they tell me I've inspired them to DO something about their health. A friend of a friend emailed me the other day asking about my running and a lot of questions about whether I was following a specific "meal plan" (I'm not, other than trying to track calories and make better choices), I sent her a very long detailed email about my lifestyle changes. I didn't hear a word for several days, but this morning she wrote back ecstatic that I had given her such detailed info, and that she was going to try some new things because it seemed DOABLE :)

    Some people want a quick fix, some people will really take what you tell them to heart and try to change their own lives...
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    Same experiences here. I have three friends who joined MFP. Only one is motivated enough to log her exercise and food. Not surprisingly, she is the only one who is losing weight. I think people just like to complain. It's so much less work than _actually_ losing weight.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I know. I get people to listen to me for about 1 min, then they start giving me this "this chick is crazy" look, and I know it's all downhill from there! haha I just feel like I'm scaring people away, but it's not scary at all!

    Haha, same here. More often than not, as soon as I say I count calories and exercise I automatically become the "crazy obsessed girl." I've had people roll their eyes at me when I said it too. Seriously, what did they think, I have the world's best kept secret?! HAHAHA.

    LMAO. yeah!!! I know right. People think we like have a magical secret or something. It's like nuhh uh hunny.. it's called hard work! lol... Or even when people ask what I eat, and they are like "that's not that healthy it has fat in it!" I'm like YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT! aaaaah. people!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    people like to wine.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I can relate to this. I have a lot of people who ask how I lost my weight...when they realize it's not a quick and easy "diet," some lose interest. Others seem to be inspired to try some of the same things...and I love when they tell me I've inspired them to DO something about their health. A friend of a friend emailed me the other day asking about my running and a lot of questions about whether I was following a specific "meal plan" (I'm not, other than trying to track calories and make better choices), I sent her a very long detailed email about my lifestyle changes. I didn't hear a word for several days, but this morning she wrote back ecstatic that I had given her such detailed info, and that she was going to try some new things because it seemed DOABLE :)

    Some people want a quick fix, some people will really take what you tell them to heart and try to change their own lives...
    I had similar experience. I feel very proud when someone told me they were so inspired by me. :) Others, either are not serious or just like you said "want a quick fix".

    One thing I just discovered after chatting with a fellow forum follower (not this one) really made me feel sad. She told me that because I have all this experience and knowledge, I become one of those arrogant snobs who like educating people even I am not asked. This is really upsetting. I only wanted to share what I have learned. *sigh*
  • Bluejay789
    They do not want to change! I used to be excited when someone would say something to me asking me how I lost the weight. Then I would tell them about MFP and get excited hoping to have some friends at work to support me.

    This week I am over sharing MFP and just going to say "Thank You" and keep going. They are not serious anyway!

    My real weight loss friends are on MFP supporting me and encouraging me.

    Wish I could meet them all in person!

  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I was told by a winer that sushi has way to many carbs in it, I was buying the sushi.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    They do not want to change! I used to be excited when someone would say something to me asking me how I lost the weight. Then I would tell them about MFP and get excited hoping to have some friends at work to support me.

    This week I am over sharing MFP and just going to say "Thank You" and keep going. They are not serious anyway!

    My real weight loss friends are on MFP supporting me and encouraging me.

    Wish I could meet them all in person!

    I think some people might want to change but might be afraid of hard work. Losing weight and keeping yourself in control with food particularly is very hard. :)
  • krissykross
    My husband was like that for a while. He would say he wanted to lose weight but didn't eat any better or exercise. Then I joined here and started walking, and he saw how it just improved my mood, not to mention a bit of weight loss. I wrangled him into walking with me after that, got a stationary bike, and he even joined this site. I think he just needed a little kick in the butt and seeing me do well was enough. But people need to want to make the change and put in the effort.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    My brother is constantly complaining about his weight and asking me if he looks good in such and such clothes and when i suggest he join MFP and work out with me he just shrugs me off....he pigs out constantly and while he is only about 25lbs overweight right now, it's going to catch up with him...but whatever...i've tried to get him to eat better and work out.
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    I was told by a winer that sushi has way to many carbs in it, I was buying the sushi.

    Scoff!!! lol...I don't care if I am fat, skinny, or anything in between..sushi will always be a part of my regimen lol
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    And one of the most common responses I get is "counting calories? that's too much. Life is too short for that". Well go figure.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    A lot especially from my father who maybe does cardio exercise but still smoke a pack of cigarrettes & eats fatty foods then tells me that I'm doing a starvation diet just because I eat what's right & with the right serving size. No wonder I can't see any muscle definition on him & his belly fat won't go.

    Another thing is being here in an Asian country where being thin & less muscular is considered attractive so whenever I go to a sporting good to look for heavier weights, the female sales clerk & others are staring at me like crazy. I see so many thin people who has the courage to show their big fatty thighs & muffin tops & they don't like the muscle toned look that I'm after. Whenever they ask me how did I got this far and I told them about MFP, counting calories & lifting heavy weights, they immediately say they would rather pop a pill or do crash diets than counting calories like crazy & looking like a muscle clad woman.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    They do not want to change! I used to be excited when someone would say something to me asking me how I lost the weight. Then I would tell them about MFP and get excited hoping to have some friends at work to support me.

    This week I am over sharing MFP and just going to say "Thank You" and keep going. They are not serious anyway!

    My real weight loss friends are on MFP supporting me and encouraging me.

    Wish I could meet them all in person!

    I think some people might want to change but might be afraid of hard work. Losing weight and keeping yourself in control with food particularly is very hard. :)

    Nope. They're not afraid, they are just being lazy so they give lots of excuses. Of course controlling what you eat & exercise is very hard in the beginning but with all the right attitude & determination, eventually it will become your new habit.
  • CindiBryce
    And one of the most common responses I get is "counting calories? that's too much. Life is too short for that". Well go figure.
    No!!! That's 45 seconds of a day wasted! --> 315 seconds per week --> 1260 seconds per month --> 21 minutes per month wasted on logging calories. Just kidding! Taking a few seconds to log what will eat will keep yourself healthy for a lifetime.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    They do not want to change! I used to be excited when someone would say something to me asking me how I lost the weight. Then I would tell them about MFP and get excited hoping to have some friends at work to support me.

    This week I am over sharing MFP and just going to say "Thank You" and keep going. They are not serious anyway!

    My real weight loss friends are on MFP supporting me and encouraging me.

    Wish I could meet them all in person!

    I think some people might want to change but might be afraid of hard work. Losing weight and keeping yourself in control with food particularly is very hard. :)

    Nope. They're not afraid, they are just being lazy so they give lots of excuses. Of course controlling what you eat & exercise is very hard in the beginning but with all the right attitude & determination, eventually it will become your new habit.
    afraid of hard work somehow sounds like "lazy", does it? ;)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    And one of the most common responses I get is "counting calories? that's too much. Life is too short for that". Well go figure.
    No!!! That's 45 seconds of a day wasted! --> 315 seconds per week --> 1260 seconds per month --> 21 minutes per month wasted on logging calories. Just kidding! Taking a few seconds to log what will eat will keep yourself healthy for a lifetime.
    I probably even can't go that far before they decide to shut down the conversation. For these people, I am crazy and don't know how to enjoy my life. LOL
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    four ppl at work have asked me what my secret is. i told them about MFP, and if they were intrested they could join for free. none of them joined. one guy even said "they wanted me to make an account up." i was like, "well, how else would they keep your record?"

    pure laziness and excuses.