Hello! Mom of three from NC..!

Hi there everyone! I'm Diva and I am a mom of three boys living in the Fayetteville area. I'm trying to lose a bit of weight and truly keep it off..! Uugh...I've battled with my weight for quite a few years and even though I am actually comfortable in my skin and with my body the way it is, I understand that I do have a problem with a previously broken ankle and recently being diagnosed with Tendinitis makes me want to alleviate some pressure off of my ankle. I realize that it is hard to do this by myself and welcome any help, advice and assistance! Thank you so much and I can't wait to get to my target weight..! I look forward to getting to know a good deal of you and GOOD LUCK to us all!!


  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I am in NC too! Living in western NC (Asheville). :smile: Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like and welcome! Best of luck to you!
  • tcpowell25
    Welcome...you will love this site. Add me if you like.
  • rebekah_anne81
    Mom of two here...still working on getting #2's weight gain off. As far as I'm concerned, us momma's have to stick together. Feel free to add me as a friend! I, too, can use all the advice, encouragement, friends that I can get. :)
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm also from NC, but the Jacksonville/Camp Lejeune area. Feel free to add me if you want. Good luck to you!
  • KrysVeara
    I am also from NC in the Charlotte area. Feel free to add me. This is so new to me I am a mom of two boys and I am eager to drop the 30 lbs of baby weight
  • Simplee_Diva
    Thank you Ladies!! You sure made me feel welcome!! I'll add you all and look forward to helping and being helped!! Thank you again!!
  • kyliecakes0405
    kyliecakes0405 Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome to MFP! 3 boys whoa that's a workout in its' own. Encouragement always help and with this site you will succeed!

    Add me if you like.
  • rescuemomoffour
    You can add me too. I just had my 4th - got pregnant while recovering from a broken leg. I had gotten in to awesome shape and then injury and baby put me back to where i was before.