Need Help/Insipration/Motivation/Suggestions/etc...please

Why does exercise or the thought of exercise make me want to crawl into bed and never come out? Got to be a mental block or something…whatever it is, it makes me crazy(ier). I just want to do it and keep doing it and not have to fight a war in my mind to get there. So I sit here the heck is that going to help? It’s not or at least I don’t think so. I want to be healthy and exercising will get me there way faster…I know these things and yet I sit and type…yadda yadda yadda…I make myself so sick sometimes. Does anyone have any words of wisdom, inspiration, a swift kick in the bum? How did you get over this mountain?


  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    There has to be something you will like.....swimming? riding a bike? rollerblades? tennis?
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    If you REALLY Want it...Then Act and Do it.
    It's the only way. Once youget into a rythmn and you stay true to yourself and goals...It just gets easier.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Just do it.

    There isn't any magic solution.

    Once you start doing it, it will get easier to keep doing it.
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    As Nike says "Just do it". You just have to force yourself to get up and do something. After you do it for a while it becomes a habit and it drives you crazy when you miss a day. Just get up for one time around the block, 10 minutes on the treadmill, one workout video, 50 sit-ups. Whatever. Just get up and do something.
  • Hleaver
    Hleaver Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Bridget I have the same problem. In my case I think the fact that I am so over weight hinders me from wanting to move. I think if I lose some weight so I am not carrying around an extara hundred pounds I may be able to get off my *kitten*. I know one thing for sure, if you have company for your workout it helps but more importantly do somethinkg you like, like tennis or soccer of football maybe racquetball but get someone to go with you. Hope this helps, feel free to let me know if you get it figured out...Howard
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    at first i said to myself 'i dont feel like going to the gym but i guess i'll put my effin shoes on and get ready..' and then i'd put my hair up. and then i'd grab my keys.. eventually the battle with myself has become less and less, and i just show up at the gym. it does get easier!
  • MJKing2
    MJKing2 Posts: 177
    I'm just starting to climb out of my slump. Basically I've been trying to do whatever can give me some peace. The main reason I backed off of my working out was because of time and stress so if i can find a little bit of time to just have some "me time" that seems to motivate me to go. For me it's running or riding my bike on one of the trails around my house. I put my headphones in and run and think about whatever I want without someone needing something from me. I don't know if that helps you...but that's what has started motivating me again. :) Good'll get back there.
  • helma123
    helma123 Posts: 79 Member
    I know you've heard it before, but find something you like. And you may have to try alot of different things, & you may have to force yourself to do it for a little while until it clicks with you. I never in my life worked out regularly for more than a month or two at a time until I started running. Not just running, but racing. I have been doing it for over 2 years now & it has actually become an obsession. The races keep me motivated because I'm always training for next one. If I didn't race I don't know if I would have kept up the running or not. The weight loss is actually just a side effect of my training now & not even why I do it anymore. Crazy, huh?
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I'm obese. I hate exercise and the very thought of it. The only thing that has me going was starting out with what I "could" do and not caring about how it compared to anyone else. I started out three months ago with 6 minutes of walking and some aerobic moves. Yes, I said, I'm very obese. Working out with someone else, as someone suggested, is NOT for me, because I would be comparing myself to someone else and what they could do or how they looked or how I looked to them. I needed to do it alone in the privacy of my home. Slowly..with what I could do and slowly add to it. Some days I failed and couldn't make myself get up. My goal was and is to exercise five days a week and to look forward to those two days off. I have slowly added minutes and moves to what I can do. This week, I have done three days of 30 minutes of aerobic walking. I KNOW it's nothing compared to the miles and minutes that other people on here do, but for me, it's awesome!!! Now, you may not be in the situation I am in, but if you need to just start on your level and do what you can do or want to do and build up, go for don't have to kill yourself at first. Save that for later!!

    Oh, and I started using some three point three pound weights that I've had for years. I'm now using a ten pound weight with my's done wonders for my arms!!! The weights I actually kind of enjoy almost.

    Good luck....and I think I will NEVER enjoy it...I dont' think I will ever have that rhthym that misses it and enjoys it....but it sure feels good when it's over!!! That's something to look forward to!!!!
  • proudmami1138
    proudmami1138 Posts: 16 Member
    My best suggestion is try it all. I am a member of the YMCA and I can honestly tell you I'm there at least 5 days a week. I've made friends in classes that I'm a regular in. Their instructors are super friendly and encourage you so much. Ive even made friends with several instructors.

    I had the membership with the Y for almost a year without using it. Then when I decided to get serious about my weight I picked one class and said just try it. I started with Zumba cause I'd heard such great things about it. It is amazing! I highly highly suggest it. Next thing I knew i was going 3 times a week to Zumba. Once I got confidence and met people I decided to see what else they offered. Cause I'm paying for it so I should check it all out. I joined the running club (altho I'd never run in my life!) and met an awesome group of people. They encourage you and dont let you give up. They didn't even know me and were saying way to go, your doing great. It felt so good to have people do this. As of last week I added spin class and love it too.

    There were other classes that didn't work out for me. And thats fine cause every exercise isn't for everyone. You wont catch me on a machine cause that is too boring for me. I give up 10 mins in. But when I attend a class I never leave and that guaranteed 50 mins of exercise.

    So my suggestion ... pick one class and try it. You might just be surprised to turn into gym rat. I'm certainly surprised that I have. :)