My body keeps playing mind games!! Help me!

So I've been doing MFP for a little over a month now. I have lost about 20 pounds over the last year, mainly flexing between low cal and low carb. Any who since starting MFP, I've been sticking with it, tracking everyday, working out and burning atleast300-700 calories a day in workouts about 4-5 days a week.. I'm allowed 1200 calories a day. So I've been weighing myself a few times a week,. Now mind you I started the Nuva ring(birth control) two Sunday's ago. The week I started the Nuva ring, I weighed myself on a Wed, and I lost 2 pounds down to 140, I was stoked. Then 2 days later it showed I was up to 145!! I figured it was water weight and I took the nuva ring out because it was causing suspected water retention and also making me break out. So I weigh myself today and I was up to 146! I'm just so confused, I'm working out more than I EVER HAVE BEFORE, )I'm getting married in a year). So I don't know why my body keeps playing mind games with me! I'm hoping that I'm
A. losing inches and just buidling muscle
B.still retaining some water from the nuva ring.

Anyone else having a similar problem? What does everything else think! I just don't want all this hard work to be for nothing!!


  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I would start taking measurements if you haven't already or take weekly pictures of yourself (like in shorts adn a sports bra or whatever) It's amazing the difference you'll see even if the scale isn't moving. Also, I would stick with weighing yourself once a week. I know that's hard to do but that should take care of the natural fluctuation your weight is gonna have. Good luck and don't give up!
  • olivkar1
    Eat more! If you are burning off that many calories then you should probably be eating closer to 1600-1800 calories a day. When I increased my calorie intake, I started to lose again.
  • chrisc16
    Start tracking your sodium (salt) and potassium intakes. Sodium will make you retain fluid while potassium counteracts the sodium in your system. Bananas and potatoes (carbs, I know) are good sources of potassium.
  • peacefrog08109
    peacefrog08109 Posts: 44 Member
    I've been using the NuvaRing for a couple years now. I apologize in advanced for the TMI but I pretty much have stopped getting a period about 7-8 months ago which coincides with a 10 lb weight gain. I also have been having a lot of trouble losing weight despite being pretty controlled with my calories. However I have lost a total of 5 inches in 7 weeks. I would concentrate more on your measurements and less on the scale. Also added bonus since working out I notice my cellulite on my legs is looking better.
  • adockins
    Well I was thinking that too, but I'm only 5ft even, so I figured that was appropriate for my weight and height. There are days where I will go over the 1200 between 200-300 calories, but will work out on those days. I was just kind of scared of adding to many! But I know I don't want my body to go into starvation mode, so I hear what your saying!
  • adockins
    Well I was thinking that too, but I'm only 5ft even, so I figured that was appropriate for my weight and height. There are days where I will go over the 1200 between 200-300 calories, but will work out on those days. I was just kind of scared of adding to many! But I know I don't want my body to go into starvation mode, so I hear what your saying!
  • adockins
    Yeah I will start measuring, I not it's my good for my mental health to be stalking the scale!!