Just starting..... again

My name is Jennifer. I live in Moses Lake, WA with my husband and 3 children. I am an LMP and a stay at home mom. After years of being in the work force and struggling with my weight and finances, my husband got a career that allows me to stay at home and work on ME. I am terrible about staying on track and I usually blame the fact that I was not home and could not stick to a food schedule or menu when I was at work. Now I have no excuse.

- Jennifer Ollice, LMP


  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    You can do it! :)
  • allyjstone
    allyjstone Posts: 40 Member
    you can do it!!!! :)
  • fabalas_seanne
    every day is a new day... & think everyday... if you stick to it how proud you will be :) ive done 1 week & 2 days & lost 3 kilos so far :) so im very inspired <3 my only way is telling my self just that... is it worth waking up misserable & wishing you ate better choices :) xx GOODLUCK xxx
  • VictoriousNicole
    VictoriousNicole Posts: 14 Member
    Everyone needs support in this journey. I'm starting over, today. I have been tracking on and off. Now, I'm making a commitment to myself to finish this up.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Lucky you, first enjoy your time at home with your kids. Good luck, be strong.

  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Welcome! As others have said - just take it one day at a time, one choice at a time. Littele choices and sacrifices add up over a long period of time. Never give up. You'll have your ups and downs as you make progress - just keep truckin' along.

    My #1 rule I never break (so far so good) - log in everyday and log every single calorie that passes my lips.

    Yes, every single one. Some days have been harder to log than others, and my progress has been MUCH slower than most people's but I'm still making progress and I'm still here! :)

    One day at a time! Best of luck!