48 Hours without............................................

Lizjkp Posts: 278
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning all :sick: just came through 48 hours without DIET COKE :devil: Phew what a journey and I still do not think that I am completely clean :blushing: .
Had the most awful headache :explode: tried everything even overdosing on water :laugh: but eventually had to cave in and.................................................. hahaha you all thought I had a Diet Coke but I didn't just took a painkiller and went to bed, felt sooooooooooooo ill hardly ate anything almost 400 calories under my daily amount :noway: feel a little better this morning:tongue: hope the dreaded headache does not come back and that I have kicked :huh: the Diet Coke into orbit (for all of us Coke junkies) and giving up ice cream (every night) at the same time, am I sane or what????????/.

Life may not be the party we hoped for :grumble :explode: but while we are here we might as well dance! :drinker: :blushing:"


  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    Good morning all :sick: just came through 48 hours without DIET COKE :devil: Phew what a journey and I still do not think that I am completely clean :blushing: .
    Had the most awful headache :explode: tried everything even overdosing on water :laugh: but eventually had to cave in and.................................................. hahaha you all thought I had a Diet Coke but I didn't just took a painkiller and went to bed, felt sooooooooooooo ill hardly ate anything almost 400 calories under my daily amount :noway: feel a little better this morning:tongue: hope the dreaded headache does not come back and that I have kicked :huh: the Diet Coke into orbit (for all of us Coke junkies) and giving up ice cream (every night) at the same time, am I sane or what????????/.

    Life may not be the party we hoped for :grumble :explode: but while we are here we might as well dance! :drinker: :blushing:"
  • I know exactly what you mean! I used to be addicted to energy drinks and the caffeine headache I found myself having after I quit cold turkey was excruciating! The painkiller is a great idea and I think you'll find that over the next two days the severity of your headache will decrease if not disappear. It's hard to do, but totally worth it in the end. I never realized how much those drinks were dehydrating me until I stopped drinking them. My father loved his Coca-cola too, and he had the same thing. You'll make it through! Congratulations on 2 days caffeine clean!
  • michelleisfit
    michelleisfit Posts: 43 Member
    This is my 4th day without diet coke and wow.... I know what you are talking about. I haven't changed my diet or exercise routine at all and I am down 3lbs.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Well done :drinker:
    I gave up diet coke in September - tried a glass the other day, and it just doesn't taste the same any more.
    I stick to water and lemon tea now - maybe the odd cup of normal tea at work, but none at home :flowerforyou:
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    Well, congrats to all of you that have given up soda. I am constantly saying I wish I could have a "diet" anything, since I gave up regular soda years ago, but luckily for me I am allergic to the artificial sweetner in most diet drinks. It still would be nice to have that little kick of flavor every once in a while without the guilt of the calories.
    But Hey, you have done great!! BTW, it can take a week or two to get completely over the caffine withdrawl, but you WILL feel better in he long run!!
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    Know what you're feeling...I gave up Mt. Dew cold turkey...3 day headache. That was 2 1/2 years ago but I still remember the headache. Should get better everyday for you now. Hang in there.
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    wow .. i can't believe that going off diet coke made you soooooo sick !!!
    i bet that now that you see what effect the thing has on you,, your glad your kicking the habit off
    can't believe how much crap they put in those tings

    i've never liked fizzy drinks,,, now i see how lucky i am !!

    good luck with your quest !!
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    Hi all again:flowerforyou: thank you for your encouragement and good wishes:wink: ,already feeling better today.
    Congratulations to those of you who have already given up Diet Coke :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and to those thinking of it :tongue: Yea go for it and how about some Lemon juice in cold water = Vitamin "C" and water to hydrate :love: our bodies.
    I read something that said "Fizzy" drinks deplete calcium :noway: from your body No matter how little or how much you drink, any thoughts or additions from my fellow MFPers?

    Life may not be the party we hoped for :grumble :explode: but while we are here we might as well dance! :drinker: :blushing:"
  • Congrats to you!
    I know all to well that ill feeling and the excurciating (sp?) headache! I was a major Pepsi addict (not even the diet stuff :noway: ) and I gave it up Jan. 1st...had a few slipups (one glass, twice when we went out for dinner), but havn't touched the stuff in 7 straight days now!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hi all again:flowerforyou: thank you for your encouragement and good wishes:wink: ,already feeling better today.
    Congratulations to those of you who have already given up Diet Coke :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and to those thinking of it :tongue: Yea go for it and how about some Lemon juice in cold water = Vitamin "C" and water to hydrate :love: our bodies.
    I read something that said "Fizzy" drinks deplete calcium :noway: from your body No matter how little or how much you drink, any thoughts or additions from my fellow MFPers?

    Life may not be the party we hoped for :grumble :explode: but while we are here we might as well dance! :drinker: :blushing:"

    It's the phosphates in the carbonated drink that do it. They bind to calcium so they sort of steal it from being used to replenish your bone mass, which is constantly being torn down and rebuilt to maintain a perfect calcium balance in the blood.

    Caffeine headaches are killer. I'd recommend Excedrine, but it has caffeine, so if you're trying to quit then it'd be counter-productive! I get some killer headaches and that and Aleve are the only things that work well.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! I know exactly what you are talking about. I gave regular coke the 1st of the this year and haven't had one since then. It gets easier everyday and then I find water is exactly what my body wants.

    I know about the headaches, I called my sister on day 2 of no coke sobbing, "I can see the red can and I can about taste that stuff. I really can't give this up." She actually laughed at me and told me you don't want it, it rusts your pipes! :laugh:
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Oh no - I've decided to kick the diet coke/pepsi habit starting next week. At least now I know what to expect. I'm starting next week because I'm going through chocolate/candy withdrawal this week. I'm on my fourth day without chocolate (and boy do I miss my m&ms), and at least now I'm able to drive past the candy store on my way to work without stopping. Good luck with the diet coke withdrawal, and keep up the good work.
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