Hello! Newbie from NZ here

Hey everyone! Im a newbie on MFP. Am enjoying tracking my food and exercise (so far!)

Have about 20kgs to lose.... kilo by kilo!
No rapid weight loss for me yet, but i think thats because I eat too much!!!
I enjoy baking, and then 'sampling' post-baking!! But I have been controlling it and only sampling a small amount now!
I honestly find it easier to say NO and not eat something, than to eat a little.... then a little more... then woops... lots n lots eaten, so, for me,... not starting, and saying NO is the best!

I enjoy exercise. Walking, jogging, weights at gym, gym classes, etc... :glasses:

Feel free to say HI :happy:


  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Hi and welcome - if you are on facebook there is a group on there for us kiwis!

  • lookitscaitlin
    hello from a fellow kiwi :D im finding it hard not to give into a mince and cheese pie!! :P
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    Hey! Oh yes, that one would be hard to give up! (please dont tempt me!!!!!)
    With things like that, I would keep away from the bakery/shop where they were sold.... stay away from temptation, that may help?!
  • raaachelle
    I'm a kiwi as well, welcome! :)
  • lookitscaitlin
    haha I havn't given in yet! but I study right in the middle of the city which doesn't help :P I say to myself "you have exercised heaps today, don't throw that away by eating a pie" lol the 5 minutes of pleasure isn't worth it :D