Am I allowed to post this? Clen, thermogenics and Anavar

Someone please help!! There is so much conflicting info out there, anyone know any safe fat burning products (not designed for men or muscle gains).


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Easy... A healthy diet and exercise. No medication/drugs needed.
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Easy... A healthy diet and exercise. No medication/drugs needed.

  • Easy... A healthy diet and exercise. No medication/drugs needed.

  • No need to read directions on packaging, measure out pills or invest in magic wands. Just follow a healthy diet and get some exercise and the lbs fall off.
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    Fat burning products are really hard on your body. Yes, they will make you lose weight, however, it's soooooo unhealthy for you. If you aren't on a nice diet with exercise and you stop taking the product. You will gain as much as you lost and MORE!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    exercise!! Totally addicting, though so watch out!

    It takes about 3 days for the effects to set in. On the 4th day you may awaken with the desire............need even to get out and walk/run/bike or go to the gym.

    I do know that when I exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day, my body burns fat and my energy level doubles.

    Add in healthy foods, with great nutrients, and BAM...................addicted!!:flowerforyou:
  • Look, i agree with the whole eat healthy thing. But i have had my fair share at attempting everything.
    I tried Phedra-Cut but a lot of people have problems with this product. My boyfriend got horribly depressed.
    I have tried Clen too but it depends how you cycle it - on how effectively it works.
    But it all just stuffs you up a little bit. So i'd say stick with eating right and exercise.
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I once took a thermogenic thing when I was much slimmer and was going to the gym 5 days a week. they made me feel jittery and awful I soon stopped I was led to believe they would help my train and were natural and good for me. They wernt. Stay away from them just stay healthy and keep active x
  • plm209
    plm209 Posts: 222 Member
    OxyElite Pro by USPLabs. Lots of energy and probably the closest thing to ephedra that is still legal. I see that you're not from the US though, so if you can find an ephedra containing product, use it in moderation. I wish we could still get ephedra here but the FDA had a knee jerk reaction when a few people died because they abused it.

    There's nothing better for long term weight loss than exercise and good nutrition, but if you want to cut a few pounds and get more definition for a special occasion, a thermogenic really helps.
  • I use green tea extract from WOW Foods. It may be mental but I think it helps me lose weight.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Try the Dukan diet - you will never be hungry - you are only required to do moderate exercise (walking) so great for self-proclaimed lazy people - it's not expensive because you are not buying branded foods for the diet - you are eating a bit like the caveman or Paleo diet.

    Meat, fish, eggs, and every other day add in some veggies, drink 2 litres of water a day minimum.
    The only supplement I take is Omeg3 fish oil from flesh not liver in capsules, and a multivitamin just because I'm restricting the variety of what I eat until I get to my true weight - when I can introduce a few more things back in.

    It's a mental thing - you can NEVER go back to the way you used to eat if you were fat. End of.

    (you can see how much I've lost - 34lbs of that is with Dukan from 07 July this year) That's 13 weeks - more than 2 stone gone for good. no more IBS or flatulance, loads more energy, skin looks great, self-esteem up....... I could go on......

    Don't look for the quick fix - there's always a price to pay!
  • Im a qualified fitness instructor who used to weigh 70 kg I'm now 50.5kg now but would love to hit 47.5 kg (which is where I was). I do know about healthy eating, excercise and similar. But I'm stuck, completely and utterly. I do not want muscle gain but I just cannot seem to supress my hunger hence no weight loss.

    Im not asking about healthy eating I just really need a boost even if only short term. I lost my weight mainly through weight watchers habits that I kept for life.

    I only need 3 kg off me!!! arggghhhhh desperate. x
  • thank you, I have seen a lot of green tea in ECA's maybe I should exhaust the herbal stuff first x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Someone please help!! There is so much conflicting info out there, anyone know any safe fat burning products (not designed for men or muscle gains).

    exercise is a fantastic fat burning product!
  • Someone please help!! There is so much conflicting info out there, anyone know any safe fat burning products (not designed for men or muscle gains).

    exercise is a fantastic fat burning product!

    I know which is how I dropped 20 kg. But I cannot get the last 2.5 kg off .
  • Someone please help!! There is so much conflicting info out there, anyone know any safe fat burning products (not designed for men or muscle gains).

    exercise is a fantastic fat burning product!

    I know which is how I dropped 20 kg. But I cannot get the last 2.5 kg off .
  • Sorry this was probably the wrong forum to have asked. But thank you for your advice x
  • Sorry this was probably the wrong forum to have asked. But thank you for your advice x
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Here's the real issue, you need to figure out why you feel this way. Nobody said it was easy. But it can be done without pills and chemicals.
    I do not want muscle gain but I just cannot seem to supress my hunger hence no weight loss.

    it also concerns me that you've said you're a qualified fitness instructor yet you don't want to gain muscle. Why is that? I can think of very very few occasions when someone wouldn't want to gain muscle. Mind you I didn't say bulk,. What are you focused on weight for anyway? Weight is completely and utterly arbitrary, especially when you're near goals, you should focus on your body fat % and stop worrying so much about weight. Just MHO is all. best of luck to you.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Im a qualified fitness instructor who used to weigh 70 kg I'm now 50.5kg now but would love to hit 47.5 kg (which is where I was). I do know about healthy eating, excercise and similar. But I'm stuck, completely and utterly. I do not want muscle gain but I just cannot seem to supress my hunger hence no weight loss.

    Im not asking about healthy eating I just really need a boost even if only short term. I lost my weight mainly through weight watchers habits that I kept for life.

    I only need 3 kg off me!!! arggghhhhh desperate. x

    If your a qualified fitness instructor, then you should know that you need to eat to lose.. not suppress hunger and starve yourself to lose the last 3 kgs.

    Plus lifting weights, boots the metabolism since muscle burns more calories then fat.. so maybe lifting and getting a little muscle would help.
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