UK Members - Slimming World?

Hi all

I have been trying to lose weight the past year or so without success, mainly due to my lack of willpower/motivation!!

I did weight watchers before but became lazy with it, so have decided to attempt Slimming World.

Has anyone been to Slimming World, any good success stories etc?



  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    a few years back I lost 5stone on slimming world - fantastic
    then I kept it off for a year
    then I was put on meds became less active due to pain guess why I am back

    not doing slimming world this time
    but it is easy (once you get your head round it) and it works
    good luck
  • Maree_
    Maree_ Posts: 65
    Hi i lost two stone doing SW but finds this suits me more as i can have bread, cereal etc. Plus the one third of your plate must be superfree did my head in!
  • stardust72
    Hi there
    Im doing sw but im doing mine from home,have lost 2st 5lb.Think sw is great,its not like a diet,just a healthy way of eating......and i dont stop eating lol
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'M not sure what skimming world is, lol. Is it free?