How do you fit in exercise?



  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I have the exact same schedule and a baby. I get up at 4am. So I can work out & get myself & the baby ready & out the door by 6:30. Yes it is a LONG day but, after a couple of weeks your body will adjust to it.

    There are a few ways to sneak a little more exercise into your day. Always take the stairs instead of elevators. Park your car as far away from the building as possible and walk accross the parking lot. Instead of sending emails hand deliver all paperwork.

    You mention that you already walk you dog. Why not make it a longer walk or a power walk or a jog. Every step is a step towards exercise :)

    Good luck!!!!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Do it during your down time! If you can afford it, invest in a piece of cardio equipment for your home. Like a treadmill or a stationary bike. I have a crazy schedule right now, too, but fit in exercise by doing it during my TV time. :-)
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Purchase a 20 minute video, or even a 15 minute video and do it after dinner. sometimes you just have to force yourself, and eventually it wont be tough. &&& do extra on the weekends
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    I do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and it is only 20 minutes, but it kicks your butt. If that is too easy she also makes Ripped in 30 that is more difficult, but short as well.
  • gemtwist
    gemtwist Posts: 11 Member
    That's a rough schedule. When I worked those hours, I honestly didn't work out at all. Now, I work 7:30-4:30, but it's still tough to fit in working out when I have to cook, clean, do laundry, go grocery shopping, etc all after work. I'm not willing to wake up earlier, but what works for me is to schedule classes at a gym every afternoon after work, as well as one on Saturday mornings. Then, since it's a planned part of my day, I go to my class, then come home again, and do all those other things around my gym time.

    I've also cut way back on cooking from scratch. I try to make a big batch of something healthy on the weekends, then package it into single serving containers to bring for lunch and eat at dinner during the week. That cuts down on nightly lunch packing and dinner making. I also buy healthy frozen meals at Trader Joe's now, so I don't have to cook during the week.

    That's what helps me. Otherwise, I'd go straight home and sit on the couch all night.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I cannot get up at 5am and workout! More power to all of yall that do. I do all of my workout in the evening and on weekends I get up at 7 to run.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    here are some helpful articles about quick and efficient exercise you can do throughout your day.

    btw, i'm currently obsessed with this guys blog. he breaks down exercises and routines to their simplest levels, and just motivates you to be a little better then you were yesterday.
  • anvacarz
    Get 30 Day Shred. It's 20/25 minutes and kicks your *kitten*! You can do it while dinner is cooking/cooling off or wake up a little earlier (easier said than done, I know). I think waking up early takes some getting used to. I have had my alarm set for 0515 all week and I'll be damned if I don't change that back to 6! I fit exercise in right after work. I have a 40 minute window between work and picking up my little one and I just go for a quick run. I also do 30DS in the evenings if I have enough energy or haven't eaten a ton. I'm really trying to get up early and get this accomplished but it's a process for me at the moment. I hate mornings!
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    If you can't run because the dog is hyper, get the dog trained (either yourself or a professional) so it will run with you.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Consider purchasing a calorie tracker device such as the Body Bugg so you can see where you are burning. Look into incorporating HIIT into your week twice, a huge time saver. And lastly, I would consider you long term goals, why is your day so long and can you do anything to change it? ie, move, change positions, etc. This may sound drastic, but you have to consider caring for yourself in the long term. Hugs.
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I workout between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m.

    I'd used to think I "didn't have time," but what I didn't want to admit was that I'd rather sit on the computer and drink wine instead of working out. Then I realized that I'd rather workout at night and be proactive than just maintain the status quo. I find that it's often quite a challenge, but the alternative is to be unhappy with my body.
  • Leola2011
    Leola2011 Posts: 192
    I have found that if I wait until I FEEL like doing something, it will never get done. I count my workouts as an obligation, much like paying the bills or grocery shopping. It has to happen. And when something has to get done, I do it, even if it means something else has to be sidelined. I'd rather do anything than go grocery shopping. It's just my least favorite chore. But it's not a matter of whether I am able to find time to do it. Working out happens to be something I enjoy, so I don't dread it, per se. But it isn't something that comes naturally to me yet, so I have to make a conscious effort to get it done. To me, it's more an issue of perspective and attitude than it is a matter of time.

    I'm managing a family of 8 (sometimes 9, depending on who's home). That includes checking homework, doing laundry, fixing meals, and everything else that parents do.
  • mbaldan
    mbaldan Posts: 35
    I felt like I had the same issues, only I had two kids in the mix and an absent father so I really had zero time.
    But I wanted to get my body healthy and had to stop making excuses...
    We have a Wii so the 1st thing I did was buy Zumba for the Wii. I would get up an hour earlier and do my Zumba. A few months later i bought Just Dance 2. I started doing this at night. My kids even play with me. I actually feel that the Just Dance is a better workout than the Zumba was. Now I work out 3-4 times a week. I have fun and I don't have to make time to go to the gym-I do it at home.
    Do you have streaming Netflix? They have workout videos, too, if you don't have a Wii.
    Make the time, make it happen. Walk on your 15 min breaks at work. Walk for your lunch and then eat afterwards at your desk...IDK - you'll figure it out when you are really, really ready!

    All the best
  • mbaldan
    mbaldan Posts: 35
    I workout between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m.

    I'd used to think I "didn't have time," but what I didn't want to admit was that I'd rather sit on the computer and drink wine instead of working out. Then I realized that I'd rather workout at night and be proactive than just maintain the status quo. I find that it's often quite a challenge, but the alternative is to be unhappy with my body.
    Perfect! I feel like people who complain about their body but don't do anything to change it are the worst! I don't have time....But I can't miss my shows or my bath. Even something as simple as cooking meals ahead (I cook 4-5 meals every Sunday and freeze them for the week) can save an hour each day...that is plenty of time to work out!
    Good Job for recognizing!
  • Buca412
    Buca412 Posts: 367 Member
    I know what you mean. With kids, and other things, it's near impossible to fit in exercise in the mornings and/or after work. Fortunately, for me, I realized that there is a park district facility a minute down the road from where I work. It's a small facility, but they have a fitness room with a couple ellipticals, 3 treadmills, a recumbent bike and a standard bike, then several weight machines to work upper and lower body, some free weights, stability balls, and bands for resistence exercise. No pool or any of the bells and whistles the larger fitness chains offer, but your basic necessities to get a satisfactory workout. So I'm able to get my workouts in during lunch. I only am able to get 30 minutes in, but it's better than nothing and I try to make the most of those 30 minutes with high intensity workouts. The bonus part is that it's almost like having my own personal gym. Many times it's just me and maybe one other person. Usually, no more than four when I go workout.

    If at all possible, look into what can be done during your lunch hour. That's my suggestion. The best of luck to you! :smile:
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    my husband leaves the house at 5:30 a.m. and doesn't get home until about 6:30 p.m. he goes to the gym on his lunch break (and eats in the car on the way) or goes as soon as he walks in the door in the evening. there is time, you just have to make it a priority. his days of t.v. watching are over. and he packs his lunches once per week so that saves time.
  • vegasaims
    vegasaims Posts: 128
    I am having trouble fitting in exercise. I leave home at 6:30 am, and come home between 6:30-7 pm, then walk the dog, have dinner, clean up, pack lunch and THEN have my downtime (by then I am exhausted). Any ideas on how I can work in some exercise? My lunch at work is only half an hour, so by the time I heat my lunch up (microwave is on the other side of the building), get back to my desk and eat it, I only have about 10 minutes left. I would love to work out, but can't seem to get the time to do it.

    I feel your frustration. I leave my house around 5:45am every morning and some nights I am not home until 9:00pm. When I walk my dog, I turn that into a workout. I walk a little faster and throw in some jogging. My dog loves it since he has so much energy he would like to you and I feel better. I also try to take stairs as much as possible and I park away from entrances to buildings to force me to walk. I would like to get into a routine, but for now I try and make the most of what I can do. Good luck!