Morning workouts vs. Afternoon workouts

kfogarty38 Posts: 8
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I would like to get some views on what time of day is best to workout. My first week I was up at 4:30 every morning, for six days straight to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes burning about 350 calories and lost 5lbs.. This week I decided to get to work earlier so that I could be home by 4:00 in the afternoon and immediately get on the treadmill. I dont weigh in until Monday but I have stayed even all week. I am trying really hard to eat all of my calories but sometimes it is just impossible. Any sugguestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

P.S. can someone tell me how to put my tracker on these posts???


  • I would like to get some views on what time of day is best to workout. My first week I was up at 4:30 every morning, for six days straight to get on the treadmill for 30 minutes burning about 350 calories and lost 5lbs.. This week I decided to get to work earlier so that I could be home by 4:00 in the afternoon and immediately get on the treadmill. I dont weigh in until Monday but I have stayed even all week. I am trying really hard to eat all of my calories but sometimes it is just impossible. Any sugguestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

    P.S. can someone tell me how to put my tracker on these posts???
  • I was exercising in the afternoons but I've noticed more of a difference once I switched it to mornings. I read that exercising early in the day jump starts your metabolism so you burn more all day long.
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Personally I can't work out in the morning. I'm not hydrated enough, don't have the energy, etc so I workout at night and it's great. It all depends on what works for you.

    As for the ticker. Go to tools and make one there (it's pretty straight forward) and copy the code then go to "my home" then "settings" then there is a link to edit your signature and paste the code.
  • Thanks for the comments and for telling me how to do the ticker!!!
  • Panda8Angel8Faith
    Panda8Angel8Faith Posts: 46 Member
    Hmmm...I am up by 5:00 AM, but I would be thinking that 4:30 is a bit much. I like the morning workouts because then they are done and over with and I don't have to try to push them in anywhere when the rest of the world would like my attention. However, I think it is great that you are just keeping with your schedule for exercise. Rejoice in that fact. That is important.
    If you are unable to work out in the morning, then go for the afternoon, just put it wherever is best for you. Second little piece of advice: Not before bed.

    To put your tracker on the posts, go to:

    Step 1:
    >Weight Loss Ticker
    >Get the code for your ticker
    >BBCode click inside the typing it will highlight
    >right click on it to select copy

    Step 2:
    >My Home
    >Change Forum Signature
    >When your signature comes up, right click in the box and select paste. This should copy the code to the signature box. You can also include any other little tidbits or favorite sayings you would like.
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I workout at night but I have a hard time falling asleep and I think I limit my exercise because I don't want to get too pumped up.
    I want to get some workout videos for the morning. But I've never been a morning person and I'm not looking forward to waking up so early. I do think that would be better for my energy levels that whole day though.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I think it's definitely a personal thing. I like doing both (alternating) because even though they both burn calories, they serve different purposes for me in two very different ways. Morning, I am able to get the workout out of the way for the day and get started on the right foot. Evening, I definitely find myself using that time to unwind and sort through my thoughts.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    We had a whole discussion on this topic in the spring. I wish I could find the thread. A lot of research was done, and a lot of links were thrown out there, it's too bad I don't have the time to search the archives for it. Maybe someone else can.

    The gist of it was this: Working out in the morning DOES in fact raise your metabolism more then evening workouts, but after lots and lots of studies have been done, the general consensus was that it doesn't raise it enough to make an effective difference in weight loss (maybe a dozen or so calories a day difference).
    Most studies concluded that the best time to work out is the time that it's easiest for you to work out, because that way you are more inclined to do so. More important factors included, shaping your eating patterns to maximize energy levels around your work outs, setting up a schedule that works for you so that you are more likely to work out, and setting up a workout routine that actually keeps you intersted (I.E. not doing the same thing every day, finding something you enjoy...etc)
  • pettyone
    pettyone Posts: 9 Member
    Personally I can't work out in the morning. I'm not hydrated enough, don't have the energy, etc so I workout at night and it's great. It all depends on what works for you.

    Ditto for me!
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    if I dont workout first thing in the morning, it's not going to happen!
  • robsgal
    robsgal Posts: 50 Member
    I work out in the AM for two reasons...

    One, I have too many "excuses" to not do it later and if I say I'll do it later, 90% of the time i don't.

    Two, Working out in the morning gives me energy to get through my day and I'm usually in a better mood, my heart is pumping and I just feel like I did something good for myself. On the day's I don't get up and do something I'm a total slug and have no energy to do anything and I just want to lay around and watch tv.

    I used to get up at 5 AM and do cardio classes, but 4:30, well that's still the middle of the night in my opinion.

    In the end I think you need to do what works best for you, if 4:30 am is wearing you out due to lack of sleep then I encourage you to go later in the day, lack of sleep isn't good for you, I've been exhausted lately and snacking too much so trust me on this one.
  • wizabugga
    wizabugga Posts: 36 Member
    You have to remember, too, that you are going to lose a good amount the first week especially while your body loses a lot of water weight and then it will probably slow down a little the second week while your body adjusts to new diet, exercise, etc..... But just keep working hard no matter what time of day....whenever is good for you.....and the weight will come off!! You just gotta stick with it! :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    I've tried both, and they both work pretty well. I think it depends on what works for you. Lately I've been getting up early (5 am) to go to the gym mainly because my son wanted a workout partner. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it, but I'm liking it quite a bit. Here are the advantages I've found:
    1. The gym is less crowded early in the morning so I get more done.
    2. I'm less tired than I am when I go after work so I'm pushing myself harder.
    3. It puts me in a good mood all day because I know I'm already done.
    4. It's not one bit harder for me to get up at 5 than it is at 6:30 for work, so the getting up early part of it
    isn't really a problem. (In other words, I have to drag my bottom out of bed just as much at 6:30, so
    why not at 5.)

    The disadvantage of working out in the morning is that I have a time limit, so I don't work out as long.
  • mamashrub
    mamashrub Posts: 128
    I found that doing the work outs in the morning are better...for one, if you do your workout FIRST thing, you are burnig off calaories, but if you do it later, after you have eaten and stuff, the only thing you will burn is the food you have I just do it first thing before breakfast, and then I feel like i am actually burning off pounds inches and fat, then just what I just ate.
  • Summarain
    Summarain Posts: 145
    I found that doing the work outs in the morning are better...for one, if you do your workout FIRST thing, you are burnig off calaories, but if you do it later, after you have eaten and stuff, the only thing you will burn is the food you have I just do it first thing before breakfast, and then I feel like i am actually burning off pounds inches and fat, then just what I just ate.

    :wink: agreed! plus you really get a boost of energy for you day!
  • KLS10
    KLS10 Posts: 127
    I think working out right when you wake up is best. You get it over with and once your up and at the gym you are awake. I work at a coffee stand and have to be there at 5am so I recently had to change my work out to the nighttime. For 2 years I woke up everyday and worked out and I LOVED it, I had so much energy and I noticed the weight loss.
    I just recently started working out later and have realized I put it off until last minute and then sometimes I just don't go cuz I don't feel like it, yet if I did it inthe morning I would already have it out of the way and feel better about myself.
    I wish I could work out in the morning but its just too hard, so in my opinion if you go in the morning it is easier to get i the habit then if you go at night. Pluswhen I go at night I have already ate most of my cals that day and I hate thinking "I have only worked off my fiber bar" etc. haha
    Sad now I wish I didn't work so early so I could get back into my am workouts :frown:
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    It doesn't matter WHEN you work out. Just work out!!! :smile:
  • I think that it is a personal choice. I do think that morning workouts are a little better because they get your metabolism going for the day. I personally workout twice a day. I do Tae-Bo in the morning to get me going and then my husband and I walk in the evenings (weather permitting) after dinner. It's an opportunity for us to have some "us" time, kids stay home and we aren't allowed to discuss work.
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