So depressed...



  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Also I agree with everyone else with eating clean. More lean meats veggies and fruits. Less Processed foods
  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    Loving everyone's advice. I will do some clean grocery shopping this week, try to cut back on some of the "junk." Thank you everyone for your support
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    4. drink 10-12 glasses of water per day.

    Actually, the drinking 8+ glasses of water per day is a myth as explained by Scientific American (reliable source).
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Loving everyone's advice. I will do some clean grocery shopping this week, try to cut back on some of the "junk." Thank you everyone for your support

    You are most welcome. It's not just the quality of food, it's the quantity. If you are falling below your MFP goals on a regular basis you are not fueling your body properly and you are not going to lose the weight.
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    Upon viewing your diary, I think it might be what you are eating that might be the problem. It looks as though you are eating a lot of carbs but very few veggies and fruit. I would suggest maybe starting off working in some fruit and veggies. If you are going to have spaghetti for dinner, skip the garlic bread and add a salad on the side or some steamed veggies. I would also suggest not eating high calorie snacks. Eat a piece of fruit or if you are just craving chocolate find a low cal alternative. I eat Fiber One 90 calorie brownies or chocolate fudge sticks from Walmart that have 65 calories. I would also suggest you for sure eat at least 1200 calories a day. If you exercise, make sure to eat back your exercise calories. I hope these suggestions help.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Girl, not only are you starving yourself, but you already look really good. Seriously, a woman who looks like you just needs to maintain.
  • aliria
    aliria Posts: 33 Member
    Hey- looks like you've got a lot of support in hopping over this hurdle :) I too have recently hit a plateau and it's crazy frustrating. You feel like you're doing everything you're supposed to but the results just aren't there.
    One thing I've learned- be nice to yourself. Stress is actually a huge contributor to weight gain. Trust yourself that you'll make good food choices and enjoy your workouts. Don't get caught up in the numbers, those will come. It doesn't mean "let go" or that you should take a break from everything. Just don't let little setbacks bring you down- accept that sometimes you make mistakes and that you can still make good choices the rest of the day.

    Good luck- you can get through this :)
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    How about eating more than the current calories but with removing the candy and adding high fiber foods?
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    definitely not eating enough!!!! I used to rail against eating exercise calories, and I was on 1200 a day too so it was really hard and I went nowhere. I now religiously eat everything I'm allowed, and try to be really exact with them. Although its still hard it really does work if you stick to it.
    and keept o clean and simple . I think partly this is better becasue its easier to count the calories without miscalculating. Generally a bowl of healthy cereal, a protein shake after workout, sandwich with lean meat and vegies for lunch and vegies/lean meat for dinner will always have you in the right calorie range.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Have you thought about changing your macros? I upped my protein from the default 15% to 25%. Maybe try adjusting yours and seeing if that helps. Do you track your fiber? FDA recommends that women eat at least 25g a day, which is sometimes higher than the amount set by MFP. If you don't already, start taking a daily vitamin.

    I know this has been said to death, but EAT MORE! I know it's counterintuitive, but it works. Fruits and veggies are your friends :smile:
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    i think everyone above had really great advice. but one last thought -- stress hormones make us hold weight on our bodies.
    focus on doing something truly relaxing at least 20 minutes per day. exercise often does this but consider cutting back on your time committments, slowing down your life, sleeping in once in a while, going to bed early, taking yoga classes (this one is huge! for stress reduction), have one or two sessions with a licensed hypno-therapist who can teach you how to go into a self-hypnosis state, learn progressive muscle relaxation (amazon sells several anxiety reduction workbooks), buy and listen to a guided relaxation CD, get a massage, take a warm bath, get into a heated pool and swim for play (not exercise), dance, journal about your feelings, talk with a therapist, get a pedicure, find a teacher of YAMUNA BODY ROLLING and learn to do this for yourself (there is a website where you can learn more about this and find a teacher), log your daily relaxation activity in your notes section of the exercise to keep you honest and committed to doing it.

    hope this helps.
  • LMP1979
    LMP1979 Posts: 54 Member
    Perhaps add a sugar column so you can monitor that too. Along with alot of processed type foods, I've noticed alot of sweet type snacks in your diary and while they may be "low calorie" decreasing sugar intake can dramatically help weight loss, too.
  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    I know what you all mean... I honestly have been scared to eat back calories, but I am guessing it really does make a difference. My confession is, that I don't really like many vegetables. I have forced myself to eat them, but I spit them back up. For example.. I cannot STAND broccoli. I just CAN'T do it. No matter how it is cooked. But the veggies I do like, I just need to eat them more. Cutting back on the carbs is going to be hard.. I am half Pakistani and half Italian... very difficult to cut back, when all family eats is rice, bread and pasta, but I will have to make the sacrifice somehow. I am blow away with the support I have gotten. God bless you all. You are all such sweet, amazing people, I am lucky to have this amount of support behind me!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    first things first.... MORE food. more healthy, non-processed foods to be more specific. if you are exercising (which i think you are), you need to fuel your body! you are barely making it past 1000 cals on some days, yet alone 1200.
  • everydaypam
    everydaypam Posts: 93 Member
    Sometimes you can swap veggies for carbs and barely notice. I know these will sound strange but hang with me.

    Instead of pasta try cooking spaghetti squash. It looks and feels like pasta and with sauce the difference is not that great. I have had some very picky, vegetable hating eaters like this alternative.

    Cauliflower can be cooked and blended to sub for mashed potatoes. They are not quite the same but they are delicious even if it sounds weird.

    Branch out and try some new vegetables and hopefully you'll start to find some that you really like.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    You work out often. Your weight gain may be muscle. This is a good thing.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    after looking at your diary, I recommend making the following changes for at least two weeks to see what happens:

    1. cut out the grains and starches....pasta, bread, potatoes, pizza

    2. replace grains/starches with more lean protein....fresh fish, skinless chicken breasts, ground turkey and chicken, grass fed beef, bison, even protein powder

    3. replace bad carbs with better carbs....berries, melons, veggies (the type of carb does matter)

    4. drink 10-12 glasses of water per day.

    I've been eating my new regimine for over 1 1/2 years and its been slow going. 25lbs only. But I insisted I could still eat brown rice, brown rice pasta and oats and potatoes and beans in portion control.

    So recently I decided to cut the all the starches (good or bad) see if that puts me more in the normal range of 1-2 lbs a week instead of 1-2 lbs a month. My carb intake is from veggies basically. I do add 1 large strawbery and 2 small slices of banana in my chocolate protein/fiber shakes that I make. But other than that no extra fruit right now.

    I do allow myself 1 evening dream chocolate 60% square from ghiraldelli with 1 T of natural PB on it. And I serving of almonds during the day if I want. Also I allow my self 2 "abnormal days consecutively" in which I get to eat my beans and have banana oatmeal pancakes! And I include yogurt ice cream one of those days. Yummy!!

    Basically my Net Carbs is between 20-25 a day. Abnormal days are under 100.

    1st week results - 4.6 lbs

    I'll post yah my 2nd week results when I weigh in Sunday.

    Let's see what happens!!!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    It's calories in, calories out. Eating based on your cultural background (if it involved carbs) is not a bad thing!!

    Look at some of the world's cultures where people live the longest. Iceland, Japan, islands off Greece. All eating carbs, all staying true to their roots and all living longer than most any other human. Carbs are essential to some of these BEST diets.

    So if veggies bother you eat fruits. Visit a local farmer's market or farm stand. Meet your farmer. Try new things.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    You work out often. Your weight gain may be muscle. This is a good thing.

    There's no way a gain is muscle in her particular case. She's not eating = to her calorie goals that MFP gives her to lose the 1lb/week (I'm guessing based on the responses here). It's impossible to bulk up and add muscle instead of fat while eating on such a LARGE deficit. Checkout all of the weight loss/fitness forums/blogs. You will see what I mean.