Things NOT to do at the gym...



  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    When people stare at you when they are on the machine next to you and try to race or outdo your workout.

    Um...I am totally guilty of this one! I get some of my best workouts trying to out do the people next to me who are in better shape. Ooops!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I hate it when girls get all upset that I am standing there.

    Its like they think I am watching them or something. They get all weirded out, and all I am doing is standing there.

    The last girl even had the nerve to ask me to get my phone out and delete the pictures of her *kitten* I was taking.

    How rude!
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    texting while on the elliptical or any machine
    talking on the cell phone while running on the treadmill - really?? Not sure why people bring their cell phones into the gym, fine if you use it to listen music, no need to talk on it.
    Not wiping down machines
    using random circuit machines when you are not doing the circuit and I am trying to do my circuit, get off when it is my turn to use it!!
    I could go on and on, LOL
  • Alka97
    Alka97 Posts: 74
    I just hate when pepople wear jumpers, when they exercise its normal they getting sweaty but when they wear it its even worst :/
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I have one...and I am not sure WHY it annoys me, it just does.

    When people take their time doing sets. Like they will do 12 reps and then stop, mozy over to the water fointain to get a drink, come back and slowly do another set. Hurry the EFF up so the rest of us can use the machines!!!

    Uhh... this is YOUR mistake, not theirs. You are supposed to take the machine when they go take a break. Its called sharing.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member

    BO- please put on deodorant!

    If you are carrying on a 45 minute conversation with the person next to you how good of a work out are you really getting. I am out of breath when I work out.
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    Naked chicks walking around the change room sitting down on benches and counters and getting their cooch juice on everything!

    OMG!! Cooch juice!!! I literally just spit my drink all over the place.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    People (girls) that obsess about NOT sweating--OMG, I can't sweat, yuck! Dude, I look like someone turned a hose on me. I am there to sweat and burn's a GYM!

    People that stand in your space in a group exercise class. WTF.

    People that stansd next to your treadmill and wait for you while there are other treadmills/cardio machines open. FYI--standing still is not going to burn calories like picking another machine and DOING IT.

    Chatty chatty girls in their booty shorts next to eachother on a cardio maching giving me TMI about their night last night. I don't care to hear it, yet I can't NOT hear it because your high pitched voices trump my earbuds.

    There are many more. Thanks for letting me vent :-)
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    I have one...and I am not sure WHY it annoys me, it just does.

    When people take their time doing sets. Like they will do 12 reps and then stop, mozy over to the water fointain to get a drink, come back and slowly do another set. Hurry the EFF up so the rest of us can use the machines!!!

    Oh I hate it when people do that too, they think they are the only ones using that machine.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    when there are 20 treadmills empty and a guy comes up to the one right beside you.
  • Fiyero
    Fiyero Posts: 31
    Beyond the cleaning of machine and reracking of weights, I really don't care what people do. I amm focused on my own workout so if you wanna wear makeup, chat on the phone etc, that doesn't affect me one bit. People are welcome to stare as well. Again, just encourages me to focus on what I am doing and not anyone else.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    shorts that look like underwear...i don't want to see your butt!

    Then the chick bends over 90 degrees to do her stretching exercises at the machine right in front of you....

    REALLY???! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR *kitten*!!!!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member

    People that stand in your space in a group exercise class. WTF.

    ^^ This!^^ Some guy in my combat class thinks he is Mr. Karate (so not!) and he almost kicked me about 10 times! Back the "F" up!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    Naked chicks walking around the change room sitting down on benches and counters and getting their cooch juice on everything!

  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    when there are 20 treadmills empty and a guy comes up to the one right beside you.

    Oh I am SO guilty of this one.

    Its like buying a house... you always want one with a waterfront view, right? Same thing with working out... you always want a booty view.
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member

    BO- please put on deodorant!

    If you are carrying on a 45 minute conversation with the person next to you how good of a work out are you really getting. I am out of breath when I work out.

  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    i dont like it when the gym plays music over their sound system. I hate background music competing with my headphones.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    I hate it when girls get all upset that I am standing there.

    Its like they think I am watching them or something. They get all weirded out, and all I am doing is standing there.

    The last girl even had the nerve to ask me to get my phone out and delete the pictures of her *kitten* I was taking.

    How rude!

    That was YOU!

    So, this guy was on the bike next to a friend and me, we were on the ellipticals that were placed slightly in front of the bike. (excellent booty spectator spot) when we left, he said "you guys cant be done yet.." awkward... so this adds one for my list.. creepy comments from creepy dudes!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have one...and I am not sure WHY it annoys me, it just does.

    When people take their time doing sets. Like they will do 12 reps and then stop, mozy over to the water fointain to get a drink, come back and slowly do another set. Hurry the EFF up so the rest of us can use the machines!!!

    Uhh... this is YOUR mistake, not theirs. You are supposed to take the machine when they go take a break. Its called sharing.

    This. You are supposed to take breaks between sets (60 seconds).
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    when there are 20 treadmills empty and a guy comes up to the one right beside you.

    Sometimes I do this with the Elliptical but only because its my favorite machine. And it is in a good spot.