Eating/dieting at cold weather climate



  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I generally do not buy canned food and i cleaned up my diet well, and I do not want to go back to world of processed food.
    Eating canned soup has tons of sodium and preservatives.
    Maybe I should cook more soup for dinner, but then my husband will complain.
    Since i work from home and live in the burbs, I can not go out and buy lunch I have to make it myself.

    I use stevia in baking and I used it in frozen yogurt at the summer, but I can not stand the taste in tea.
  • sara4cos
    Soup. Make ahead and freeze them in one serving size containers that you can microwave. Soup is a great way to get you protein and fiber. I just made a large batch of butternut squash soup (105 calories a serving- 2cups), and to add extra protein I can add a precooked chicken breast(2oz) or a ham sandwich(150 calories).
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Soup and chili is always good. Look online for low cal recipes. I Make a big pot with lots of veggies and low sodium broth or tomatoes. Put a lot of herbs and spices to kick it up and enjoy. Watch the cream soups and thickeners though, you can't eat as much. :drinker:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I actually brought a crock pot a week ago, but so far it has not been very useful. I made this teriyaki chicken based on a highly rated recipe and it was awful. I ended up throwing away half of it, and everybody ended up fill up on bread.

    Anybody know good healthy crockpot recipe sites?
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    I am Canadian and I understand cold climate and winter all too well!!! Cold makes me crave carbs.
    My plan for this winter is lots of SOUP!!! I love homemade soup. So lots of broth type soups are in for me. And lean chili. or vegetarian chili-good for the fibre :-)

    I am playing around with shiratake noodles so hopefully I will come up with something I really like.

    Microwaved baked apple is warm and nummy. I sometimes slice an apple and sprinkle with splend and bake in the microwave and then serve it on a waffle (imagine my delight when i discovered most frozen waffles are about 100 calories-even a lot of the flavoured ones) and eat that for a hot breakfast or snack.

    As far as beverages go, I like lots of lemon in my tea and a dash of sweetener. Once in a blue moon a hot chocolate is in order. Most packs are only about 90 cals so it isn't an off the wall horrid thing. Just a feel good treat. I am sure there are lighter ones or you can make from scratch with cocoa and sweetener of your choice. I sometimes like a hot ovaltine-especially when coming in from outdoor chores in the cold.

    There are lots of options. just need to be creative.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I do a ton of cooking ahead! I have loads of veggie base soups in my freezer at all times, even in the summer! I work from home also so at lunch I pull out soup ( I freeze them in individual servings) I also roast turkey breast and freeze in individual portions. Depending on the soup I add the turkey, spinach, avocado and/ whatever else i have on hand that sounds good. The turkey is also great for making sandwiches /paninis. I thaw everything in my microwave but I know some people try to stay away from the micro. My food mood changes so if I remember the night before to put my lunch in the fridge to thaw I might not want it come lunch time. Since I work from home its a bit of a benefit to be able to change my mind :bigsmile:

    Its a lot of work at first and I buy a lot of containers but to me its worth it. I'll even roast a bunch or *fall/winter* veggies then keep them in the fridge to add to a meal or to snack on. They last me about 5 days. My favorite thing to flavor them with is balsamic because it works with just about any veggie and I love the sweet caramelized taste!

    I make and freeze turkey, chicken and lamb meatballs/burgers. I have pre-shaped uncooked buffalo burger patties ready to go too.

    I always have a can of my favorite low-sodium tomato soup on hand for those days I'm out of a soup or just because I love it and I just can't seem to re-create my own tomato soup that I love as much.

    I slowly weaned myself to unsweetened tea. I buy good quality flavored teas. Maybe try a little lemon in them? A splash of milk just enough to cut the bitterness maybe.

    You can take a piece (or two) of your favorite bread, swipe on some flavored/fav mustard, add some sauteed spinach, top with slices of tomato (I know, not tomato season but you cook this so it helps) top with ham/turkey/chicken, top with favorite cheese. Put under broiler(open faced) and keep an eye on it. Bread will toast and cheese will melt. I love this!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I'm confused. If you work from home, why can't you cook veggies and such? I work from home one day a week, and ALWAYS cook on that day. Get a microwave steamer (pampered chef sells them). You can steam rice and just about any veggie in it. Throw a chicken breast in the oven and let it cook. Takes NO time on your part for that. I buy chix breast on sale and trim them up in bulk. Freeze individually, and pull out as needed. You can even bake it from frozen.
  • AliV91
    AliV91 Posts: 16 Member
    Quick hot lunches that help me:

    Onion soup : slice and onion, put in microwave safe bowl, add water to cover and a bullion cube. Nuke till onion is soft. ( I like my onion slightly crisp, so cooking longer if you want your's softer) ~~3 min. Serve with a crusty roll. VERY low fat and filling.

    Vegi mix with bouillon cube and enough water to cover, nuke till warm, about 3 min. Also very filling.

    There are vegi bouillon cubes if meat is an issue. If sodium is an issue, well can't help you there.

    I am currently trying salsa in place of the bullion as a base for vegi mixes, more anti-oxidants and the HOT spices are supposed to speed up your metabolism. I'll let you know how it goes.

    Good Luck!