Hey everyone

Used the app for awhile now discovered the website. Goal is to shed 100lbs by next year and most importantly live a healthier life. Hit me up with a friend request if you would like and lets team up...because Together Everyone Accomplishes More! - Kelcey


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Hello, welcome and good luck. You can do it. Slow and steady. Educate yourself on healthy foods, always think before you reach and never say the heck with it. :wink:
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    Welcome! This is a great resource!!! I did the same thing had it on my phone for months, then I discovered this place! I have had way more success being involved with others.
  • LuvnSnownSun
    I'm open for friedns. I was gradually losing weight without thinking about it for about a year. Now I decided to start thinking about it and a friend turned me on to this site. She's lost over 115lbs and untold inches, like 14 dress sizes though. I can't say I'm as driven or motivated as she is, as she is a beast who is freaking amazing. However, I've lost 55ls total, I'm sitting around 185 now, and want to be sitting around 150, and lean, not 150 and squishy. I'm totally up for more supporting MFP friends! :)