Help me reduce sodium?



  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Don't cut out spinach unless you are eating it from a can..... and don't worry about teh sodium that comes from fresh veggies and fresh fruits (if any)
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    My husband and I both have to watch our sodium, so I cut out added salt a few years back. But it really sneaks up on you, doesn't it? We buy low sodium/no salt added whenever possible for things like stocks, broths, canned veggies, canned tomatoes, etc. We also use Mrs. Dash. Other than that, you just have to read the labels. Anything frozen is high in sodium. Most lunch meats are also high in sodium.

    It really does sneak up on you. I don't add salt to hardly anything. I AM a pepper girl, though!! And I hardly ever eat a frozen meal. I did have a slice of small pizza today which isn't my norm. I don't care for it too much. I had a spinach salad w/ mushrooms, onion and 2 oz. of chicken and (yes, I realize the bacon was a high sodium choice...but again, it wasn't the norm and I asked for it on the side...halved my huge lunch salad, so I will have it for dinner tonight), bacon crumbles. I need to watch the lunch meats, too.

    I cook mostly from scratch at home :) Need to get back to making my own bread again! My wheat grinder is getting dusty.

    Thank y'all!!
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I try to keep my sodium under 1500 due to borderline High Blood Pressure. Anytime you eat anything packaged/processed/fast food it has loads of sodium. I try to eat naturally, grill my own chicken , fresh fuits and veggies, whole grains. When you start looking at the sodium content of things it really makes a difference, canned things are loaded with salt, frozen items even bread has loads which I didn't realize. I loved laughing cow cheese for a low calorie snack until I saw the sodium.
  • trilikeagirl
    extra sodium will promote water retention which can be counterproductive to weight loss. Eating clean and drinking water helps keep it down. I have no problem keeping it between 700 and 2500, now that I have reduced the processed, canned, packaged or restaurant foods. I have stopped tracking it now that I know that and I don't stress when I eat things occasionally that would blow it out of the water.
  • cherryObebe
    The craziest thing is MFP has the sodium set at 2500, which is REALLY high. Here is a link from Mayo that you might be interested in. Notice the words "LIMITING TO UNDER", meaning 2300 is what the MAX should be for someone 50 and under. In nursing courses, we are taught to stay under 1500 mg per day for health. I came to MFP as an assignment for a clinical nutrition course. I am studying nursing. One of the topics we discussed in class was the level of sodium intake that MFP sets goals at. It was pretty interesting. Also, do your research to find what is proven to be necessary for health, weight loss, fat loss, etc. and form your own opinions. :bigsmile:

    Personally, I try to limit my sodium intake, but it gets away from me sometimes. Eating out is my biggest sodium nemesis! I am trying to cut back on cheeses, deli meats and other things that have sodium in them. I also purchase no salt added and low sodium whenever possible. It is still really hard though.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Another thing - I don't get how everybody is supposed to eat the same amount of salt. I'm 6'1, male and sweat a lot exercising. I must eat twice as many calories as a much smaller person, yet the salt allowance is the same.
  • frugalmomsrock

    this last one reminded me that I also-IF I buy packaged rice-I will only use half of the packet. Then save the other half to use with some plain rice later on. I only use half a packet of cheese sauce if I break down and get packaged mac n cheese for the kids, etc. Usually I just have plain rice and use whatever we're eating with it to give it flavor.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    My husband and I both have to watch our sodium, so I cut out added salt a few years back. But it really sneaks up on you, doesn't it? We buy low sodium/no salt added whenever possible for things like stocks, broths, canned veggies, canned tomatoes, etc. We also use Mrs. Dash. Other than that, you just have to read the labels. Anything frozen is high in sodium. Most lunch meats are also high in sodium.

    It really does sneak up on you. I don't add salt to hardly anything. I AM a pepper girl, though!! And I hardly ever eat a frozen meal. I did have a slice of small pizza today which isn't my norm. I don't care for it too much. I had a spinach salad w/ mushrooms, onion and 2 oz. of chicken and (yes, I realize the bacon was a high sodium choice...but again, it wasn't the norm and I asked for it on the side...halved my huge lunch salad, so I will have it for dinner tonight), bacon crumbles. I need to watch the lunch meats, too.

    I cook mostly from scratch at home :) Need to get back to making my own bread again! My wheat grinder is getting dusty.

    Thank y'all!!

    oscar mayer make a super tasty reduced sodium turkey bacon :) I LOVE IT!!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I am a saltaholic and when I initially track:noway -- not even counting the shaker salt, I was hitting 5,000-6,000 mgs a day! Talk about heart attack awaiting!! I also have high blood pressure and take meds for that!! :noway: Anyhow, As much as I try and try to keep it under 2,500 (again, not even counting the salt shaker!!) it is very hard to do, even eating extremely healthy. I find the biggest culprits are canned and prepared foods (frozen dinners, etc.), dressings, cheese, sandwich meat. Sandwich meat being the worst of all.

    I'm now trying to use other spices instead of salt or I shake the salt in my hand so i can see how much I'm using. Sometimes I even go to the extreme of measuring a miniscule amount and keeping it in a baggie and using that all day vs. the salt shaker!
    When you have that acquired taste, it is very hard to not salt your foods.

    Potassium does not negate sodium.
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    StrengthIsBeautiful Posts: 309 Member
    Try using fresh tomatoes instead of canned tomatoes for anything from spaghetti sauce to diced tomatoes to tomatoe paste. It doesn't take much effort and tastes so much better!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    We really don't eat pasta here. Every now and then, I will make some chicken noodle soup. My kids HATE spaghetti, so I never make it. It gives me and my hubby wicked heart burn, too.

    Thanks for all of the tips! Payday is Friday...which is shopping day. I will be watching the nutrition labels!