Fell off the MFP wagon

Not only did I fall off the MFP wagon, it backed up and ran me over....TWICE!!!!! Eaten out fast food the last three days, haven't been to the gym in a week, deleted all my MFP friends in self disgust... somebody get me an icepick.....


  • purpledelight
    purpledelight Posts: 134 Member
    LOL... there is always a ladder to help you climb back aboard...Put down the Mickey Ds,,,, grab your gym bag go work out! You will feel better you can do it if you want to :)
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    It doesn't matter, I fell off for the whole summer put 11lbs back on set a date to restart and in the last 4 weeks lost the 11lbs plus another 3. Falling off is going to happen it's getting back on that matters
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    It doesn't matter, I fell off for the whole summer put 11lbs back on set a date to restart and in the last 4 weeks lost the 11lbs plus another 3. Falling off is going to happen it's getting back on that matters
  • acchickpea
    acchickpea Posts: 43 Member
    Well your back on here.... So that's a good start.... Get back on the wagon friend! Not too late.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Coming back is always a good sign!!!!
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    Don't feel bad! I didn't go to the gym for almost a month! And I had some of the fast food too! (Taco Bell...BUT then it made me feel yucky so at least I am cured from that!) BUT I am back now and so are you and that is what matters!!!
  • You might fall off but you still can get back on and start again! You can do it this time! =)
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Hey, we all trip over occasionally!

    Don't beat yourself up about it, just grab the reins and get riding again!
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    You only fail when you don't pick yourself back up. Which is what you are doing now. Hey don't be ashamed if you have a cheat day or two. we all do. The other day, I went way over. So, I get back on track the next.

    Don't look back, just keep going forward.
  • Happy to lend you a hand! Come back and get started again!
  • Just put it all behind you,can't change it now.Start the day fresh in the morning , no point in annoying yrself it's done.U no u can do it back to the gym 2morro,run back over dat wagon.
  • Maybe you should look into the 4-hour body diet which gives you one day out of the week to eat what you want and however much ! that way you look forward to the day of the week when you can eat fast food! its great! But other than that at least you logged back in that's always a plus! Just pick up where you left off!
  • HA! I fell off too and went to Micky D's and felt awful afterward. I have had several long talks with myself and finally convinced me that I was just feeling sorry for myself, this is hard but I have to keep at it and get it done. But today I put myself back up on that dang wagon and started tracking my food again. Hang in there!! If you jump off the wagon get right back on.
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I did the same thing and I know how hard it is to get back started again. Seems like once I fall off it's that much easier to cheat here and there and never truly get back on track.........

    I guess ya just gotta get that boost of energy and motivation from somewhere?? Let me know if ya find some and where I can get it!!
  • Ozzyzmommy
    Ozzyzmommy Posts: 142 Member
    The good news is that you noticed you were falling off... The better news is you came back to MFP I have found speaking to others on this site, gave me the support I needed to get back on the saddle, and keep trying... WTG.. :)
    Hope to see your doing better soon...
    I learned to just take my diet one day at a time...
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Absolutely no icepick!

    Just hop right back on this wagon with the rest of us. And next time I fall you can lower the ladder as I'm not very good at hopping right now.
  • Don't beat yourself up, man. I know what you mean though, believe me. Iv'e beaten myself up a lot, for a lot if different things in my life. Iv'e been on here since July and haven't lost a single pound. My advice to you is to NEVER give up. Fight the good fight! Become the fuse! Relight the fire! Wake up the dead! We're in this thing for the long haul! It's no one's fault but our own! Take ownership! Don't blame anybody else! Never let the desire die! We will prevail victorious in the end! http://youtu.be/m0fvvLp3muM
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    It's Ok buddy! Get back up here on the wagon. We can do this!
  • You came back! That's the most important part. I feel ya with eating unhealthy again, as I am in the same boat. But keep trying and take it one day at a time. For me, that has been the best way to get back into it. Think about what you are doing today, deal with tomorrow when it comes. And remember if you have one bad day, so what.. tomorrow is a new day! Keep your head up, you can do it! You've lost 6 already, don't get discouraged! This is a tough journey, but that's what we are all here to do. :-)
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    First, eating at Mcdonald's isn't so called "bad"..it's what you eat....good for you for comming back...we all have are times every now and then...you know you have all sorts of support here...keep at it!