Suggestions and Advice wanted.

verqu Posts: 5
edited October 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I have been wanting to post something, but not quite sure where to start. Ill give you the basics.
Im 18 years old. I am 5'2 and my goal weight is 125. From January-April 2011 i lost 40 lbs. But since i started my new office job in May, i gained 30 of it back. I have already lost a total of 10lbs since Sept 20th.. Im giving my self until my 19th birthday in March to lose the other 50. (or at least close to it) It is very hard to get into the dieting lifestyle again. But its worth it to see the number on the scale going down. :) Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am all up for getting advice and giving advice.


  • I have an office job and the thing that has helped me the most is that I make my breakfast here... apple butter and some toast and then i bring my lunch (leftovers from last night usually) and then I eat my snack of carrots and hummus. I usually don't get bored with food so this works for me... but the best thing I can say is to bring your food to work.... portion it out the night before so you can't over eat. Plus - you will be saving a ton of money :)

    Hope this helps!
  • OatmealBowl
    OatmealBowl Posts: 82 Member
    It's about a lifestyle change more than just dieting. If you throw in eating right, combined with some exercise everyday, you should reach that goal in no time! :wink:

    Seems Jillian Michael's videos are the thing right now. I am loving her Ripped in 30 video. Might give it a try. I've seen some great success stories on MFP from it.

    BTW, I work a full-time office job, too. Doing the above has help immensely.
  • I have an office job and the thing that has helped me the most is that I make my breakfast here... apple butter and some toast and then i bring my lunch (leftovers from last night usually) and then I eat my snack of carrots and hummus. I usually don't get bored with food so this works for me... but the best thing I can say is to bring your food to work.... portion it out the night before so you can't over eat. Plus - you will be saving a ton of money :)

    Hope this helps!

    Oh yeah - I also workout 4-6 times a week for an hour... cardio and weight training...
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I also have an office job - right next to Costa with yummy tuna melts - i make my food the night before. Helps me with not going to Costa and getting tempted my yummy food. I also exercise in the mornings before work. Gives me energy for the day and makes me sleep better at night. May work for you :happy:
  • i too have an office job and not many breaks .......plan plan plan in advance what your eating and either take it with you or take healthier options
    i also try and walk round or move as much as i can when i get a break as im sat down for the majority of the day
    youve already proven you can do it...take each day as it comes
    good luck honey
    liz xxx
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Thats great you are getting back on track. Please add me if you wish, and take a peek at my blog for a food plan that may be something you might want to try.
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    I have a desk job as well. They key to success is to determination and WILL POWER! I know in my office they have an abundance of sweets all the time! If you want to lose weight then start making the changes that are necessary. Bring your food! I can not stress this enough. I am constantly hungry so every morning I bring fruits, veggies, hummus, yogurt and whatever tickles my fancy. I do not always bring my lunch but I am close enough to home that I eat lunch there. If I eat out it will be something reasonably healthy. No burger or fries for me. If I have lunch meetings I choose the healthiest thing I can regardless of where we go. Research, research, research... Look at nutrition facts on restaurants websites. I also workout 5-6 days a week. Currently I am strength training more then cardio. I hope some of this helps :)
  • jfarmer1226
    jfarmer1226 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree with everyone here....planning your lunches and snacks the night before is key. I usually always bring my lunch and two snacks (I work in an office as well). The thing you have to watch out for is the candy, cakes, pizza, and all the other crap that offices seem to have around all the time. I am in meetings during lunch at least once a week...and the food that is ordered is always something, bringing my lunch on those days is key. And if you started your job in haven't been in that office during the Holiday season. No matter what industry you are in...EVERY office is filled with sweets starting from Halloween up through Christmas. I have to mentally prepare myself before the holidays even start and put a plan together of what I will allow myself to eat and what I will not. Another thing you can do is take a walk on your lunch break. You may only burn an additional 100-200 calories...but it's more than just sitting at your desk. And always have a glass of water at your desk. I prefer doing small glasses because then it means I have to get up more and walk to the kitchen to get more water when I'm out. Hope these suggestions help! I would say that 90% of the people trying to lose weight work in an office where they are sedentary most of the can still lose weight even with an office job...just have to plan up front and be dedicated. Good luck!!
  • metisnyx
    metisnyx Posts: 3 Member
    I think everyone else has covered it! I try and plan out what I will take the night before, and I don't usually change what I eat throughout the day - just dinner. I exercise afterwords when I get home and that helps me stay on track too. Office jobs take a little more dedication, but they have their upsides too!
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