Extremely picky eater



  • Ruby11222
    Ruby11222 Posts: 114
    Steam some veggies like broccoli, carrot, sweet potato. Pop them in the blender with a tiny bit of water and mix that with whatever ground meat you like to make meat balls or rissoles. I would add a bit of ketchup, breadcrumbs, an egg, finely chopped onion, garlic. Eventually add raw grated zucchini also.

    Edit...I mean fresh vegetables!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Yes, and she can eat what she likes, just in moderation, and achieve her goals, same way i am! :)

    But if she was content with eating how she's eating, then she wouldn't be asking for opinions would she?

    However, as a nod to what you are saying, I did say, "change or don't are your options" (or something to that effect), though I suppose that is chalked up as coming from "u rude people" given that there was a list of "correct" answers that she would've found acceptable and though I offered not to overcook, not to eat canned, and to try something that looks luscious, it wasn't in the narrow range of answers she had already decided would be ok, so that means I'm rude. That's the problem with wading in and answering an unanswerable question like that. Answer one way and its "I don't like that" answer "ahhh, that's ok, no worries" you're not necessarily being truthful and helpful and you're dismissing her concerns. No winning. So I'm gonna think twice before I answer things where folks might not seriously want a serious answer but want to play the guessing game with somehow managing to answer the "right" answer.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    The problem isn't necessarily that you don't like vegetables. It could be that you just haven't found the right ones, cooked the right way. Look up some vegetarian websites, or peruse food network or allrecipes or the gourmet/bon appetite archives for veggie recipes. Change the texture and the spices if you dislike something: do you like mushy carrots (my mom does, with butter and lemon juice) or completely raw (my husband, with basalmic vinegar) or just slightly cooked (me, as evidenced above)? Good luck!

    I think this is great.... there are so many different fruit and veggies and so many ways to prepare them that there probably are others that you will like, you just haven't found them yet. My best suggestion if you want to expand the range of foods that you eat is to pick one different thing from the supermarket each week, buy just a little bit of it and try it out. Google a recipe that uses other ingredients that you like and give it a go. If you haven't spent much money on it then you don't have much to lose by trying and you might be surprised.
    Some veggies don't have a strong taste - zuccini for example. I really don't like it much if it is just cooked as it is and sits in a heap on my plate but if you grate it up and make corn fritters with it you have a yummy meal. See if there are combos you are willing to try.
  • melanie_J
    melanie_J Posts: 136 Member
    I'm utterly amazed at how many people are just telling the OP to suck it up and eat what is clearly not appetizing.

    Statements of that nature are what cause people to up and quit their weight loss journey.

    One thing I'm sure many of us can agree on is this isn't a diet it's a lifestyle and if you force yourself to do things against your own nature chances are you're setting yourself up for failure.

    Now that being said, you stated the few fruits and veggies and grains you do like, try having more of them in a fresh rather then processed manner, you can save youself a bunch of calories and sodium by using frozen or fresh foods and staying away from processed foods.... You'd mentioned chicken, this is a great "diet" food... It's typically low in fat, high in protein and 90% of the ways you can prepare it no carbs. Buy Fresh Chicken, stay away from chicken patties or nuggets because from the anatomy I've seen of a chicken they don't have patties or nuggets naturally LOL.

    As for the Fruits and vegetables. If you know what you like do some research find ones that might be similar and promise yourself you'll try one new fruit or vegetable a week. You might surprise yourself. Look for recipes that don't add a ton of fats or sodium but seem like they might add a ton of flavor. I recommend boiling and mashing up cauliflower, add a tiny bit of milk salt and butter for taste... it really does taste just like mashed potatoes if you happen to like them

    The sky is the limit and feel free to use your imagination, it's amazing what people come up with.

    Lastly, congratulations for joining MFP and turning to a community for help, this place has literally changed my life.

    I like this. Much better than harping on her. Good god people, we're here to help each other not be judgemental. Just because her way is not your own doesn't mean you have to be awful about it.