Child Visitation, 1st, 3rd, 5th wknd October



  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    My legal opinion is that I don't know why anyone would want a parenting schedule that is this subject to interpretation. As a mother, I don't know why anyone would want a schedule that causes such conflict. Why not just have it set up so you do every other weekend? There will be a lot less disagreement when you both know where the kids were last weekend and where they go this weekend!
  • HealthyEscape
    Who had the kids last weekend for the FIRST weekend of October? I classify my weekends as Saturday and Sunday, therefore, the 1st weekend of October would have been the 1st and the 2nd.

    Super appreciative of the fact that my parents didn't do the "switch" schedule and that my mom just had us. This stuff is confusing.
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    also depends on when your hours are---if it is from say---friday 6:00 pm to sunday 6:00 pm then this coming weekend will be your weekend. is there no one that can watch your kids for you while you are working the OT????? wish i lived closer i would offer babysitting services. :) had to go thru alot of this with my ex---thank goodness we got along.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    Weekend days are SAT & SUN...therefore, last weekend should have been the first weekend in Oct.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    The first weekend in October was the 1st and 2nd.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Gawd, that sounds complicated as hell. My ex and I just alternate weekends and don't pay any attention to which month/partial month they happen to fall in.

    My ex and I are totally different. We do every other this....

    Week One

    Week Two

    Mind you he only lives a few streets over and we get along well.

    Does this mean that your kids never sleep in the same bed more than two nights in a row? I'm not going to knock it if everyone, especially the kids, are happy but there's no way that would work with mine and I've never heard of that before!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member

    Here you go...just as confusing as your visitation rights...:devil:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Weekend days are SAT & SUN...therefore, last weekend should have been the first weekend in Oct.
    This. Friday is a weekday, not a weekend day. Saturday the 1st and Sunday the 2nd were the first weekend in October. October has 5 full weekends this year.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    Gawd, that sounds complicated as hell. My ex and I just alternate weekends and don't pay any attention to which month/partial month they happen to fall in.

    My ex and I are totally different. We do every other this....

    Week One

    Week Two

    Mind you he only lives a few streets over and we get along well.

    Does this mean that your kids never sleep in the same bed more than two nights in a row? I'm not going to knock it if everyone, especially the kids, are happy but there's no way that would work with mine and I've never heard of that before!

    I should have clarified, he brings them back on his night at 8pm. When he has them on his Friday he brings them back Sunday at 8pm. We have a very easy going schedule. Meaning, we understand life and plans, we switch weekends and days.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Gawd, that sounds complicated as hell. My ex and I just alternate weekends and don't pay any attention to which month/partial month they happen to fall in.

    My ex and I are totally different. We do every other this....

    Week One

    Week Two

    Mind you he only lives a few streets over and we get along well.

    Does this mean that your kids never sleep in the same bed more than two nights in a row? I'm not going to knock it if everyone, especially the kids, are happy but there's no way that would work with mine and I've never heard of that before!

    I should have clarified, he brings them back on his night at 8pm. When he has them on his Friday he brings them back Sunday at 8pm. We have a very easy going schedule. Meaning, we understand life and plans, we switch weekends and days.

    Phew! That makes a lot more sense. lol Now it sounds like a lot nicer arrangement.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I can't answer your question man...its been covered here pretty well though.

    I CAN say, ex's suck...and I'm so glad I have temporary custody of my two boys, and sole custody of my daughter. It's almost enough to make me never want to be with anyone again.

  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Depends on who has the better lawyer....

    What he said
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    My ex and I live next dor to each other. Our son tends to sleep at whomever has to be at work later's house! Or if he stayed at his dad's house and I am going to put him on the bus in the morning, I will walk across the yard and get him up and moving! or if he wants to sleep at my house and I am not home from work yet, the ex will come sit and watch tv at my house until I get home,,,,

    Yes it is an odd situation but it works really well for us
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    Thanks everyone for your replies. The answer to my question came back from my lawyer: The 1st FRIDAY of the month is the 1st weekend. Go figure...

    The situation with the ex-W and I is not good. She didn't even let me see them on my birthday because, as she put it, "it's not your weekend to have them."

    @Cris - I'm so happy you have your kids man! And I completely agree with your closing comment too, just isn't worth it. Seriously.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I want my ex to see the kids more, and he wants to see them more, and they want to see him more...too bad he won't stand up to his girlfriend and ACTUALLY see them more. Ugh...sore spot right now. :explode:
  • ScoutMomAng
    They count Friday as part of the weekend? Isn't she willing to trade a weekend with you since you need to work?

    she probably also has plans for this weekend which would be my guess as to why she is pushing for him to have them this weekend.

    I think custody battles and divorce sucks. I wouldn't wish it on anybody or even my worst enemy. I was the new spouse and dealt with lots of custody issues. Glad it's all over with now. Custody battles and visitation rights only hurts the children when tug of war's become the game of choice.