Trying to get fit, hard day today

I signed up for my first 5K 2 weeks ago and was all gung-ho about it. I've been running for the past 2 weeks about 3 times a week and also cycling 2 days/wk. I went for a run today and it felt awful, I felt awful I can't do more than 1 mile yet at a stretch w/o walking and today it was SO hard to even do that. I don't feel like I'm making any progress. As I was going along today it almost felt like someone was pushing against me with their hand. I know it's only been 2 weeks and i can't expect miracles overnight, but I thought I'd be seeing some improvement in endurance at least.
I've been cycling and had trained for a 50 miler this past Summer, which went great, so I didn't think I was that out of shape, but running seems so hard for me. Maybe I'm not a runner or cut out for it? I don't know, but today was very discouraging.

It helps a little to read and see other success stories. Maybe, just maybe I can stick with it and get better!


  • eabaileybsu1
    I had a hard time running today too! However, I've only been running for a few weeks and I'm trying to keep in mind that my bones just haven't caught up yet. Runners actually have really dense bones that support all of the impact. It takes a while for that to happen. Be sure to rest between runs and I hope it gets better soon....for both of us!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I run at least 4 days a week and bike one. I do have those running days where it really is a bit of a struggle, especially when I add more mileage because I am training for a half marathon. Don't give up because you have one bad run. There could be any number of factors that contributed to it. Sometimes my TOM makes me exhausted or I didn't sleep well or it is too humid or I am too distracted and just want to get it over with... It takes time to build up endurance. It will happen.

    Stay strong.