Thank you Steve Jobs, you were great



  • Krissie_Triaxis
    The world is greater for his influence. Whether you like Apple products or not (I personally don't like Microsoft but I have great respect and admiration for ole Bill) Steve Jobs was a pioneer, a true entreprenuer.

    My husband is Graphic Designer, lectures in graphics and is an Apple Mac Engineer, Macs are very integral in our daily lives. My whole fitness and weightloss journey is done on the machines his company invented, and on the machines other companies built that strived to emulate the beautiful designs Jon Ives and the gang at Apple Designs produced. I write my blog on my mac book, i train at the gym listening to music on my ipod shuffle, I track my calories using my MFP app on my ipod touch.

    Those who work at Apple were encoraged to realise their ful potential and share it with the world thorugh the vision of Steve Jobs, who realised that function and form are intrinsically linked. As a species we seek out the beautiful, and he made technology aesthetically pleasing. Function and reliability were excellent, but the form needed to inspire equally so. And that's what he did. Jon Ives designed the iMac that relaunched Apple in 97 but without Steve opening that door for him and giving him the scope and freedom to bring forth that computer, we'd still be staring at beige boxes.

    Thank you Mr Jobs, for your wonderful innovations, your great company that has changed how we view technology and for the theatre of your Keynote speeches. I think you've left it in safte hands with Mr Cook.

    I hope your iCloud up there has iTunes installed already and if it's not running OS Lion, have a word with the big fella... he owes you that at least :)
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    He will be missed, like others, his products have helped in my weight loss, from the apps to the music player. RIP

    Sent from my iPad.
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    This news really saddened me .. RIP to a legendary man !!

    Big Apple fan

    Sent from my iPad :(
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Noooooooo D= He was awesome >_< Rest in peace!
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    RIP Steve Jobs! You will be sorely missed. Thanks for Pixar!
  • theaterfan23
    theaterfan23 Posts: 256 Member
    What a genius!
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    As a graphic/visual designer, my career started before computers in the early 80's and crossed over into them. Now of course, every designer graduates with full knowledge of Mac and some PC platforms. Mac and Apple are dearly loved in the design fields, and Jobs' irreverent business approach was a symbol of how you could keep your authenticity and not become a sell-out. It's so rare a man of such immense talent becomes the 'brand' for a whole company. But that is exactly what he was, the living, breathing brand of creative, beautifully-designed products that changed our lives. He died at the height of Apple's creativity, and way too young.