Back in action! Motivation and tips are greatly appreciated.

I was on MFP years ago and had tremendous success with losing about 50 pounds within 4-5 months. After that, something happened and I wasn't on my game any more. I fell off... HARD.. and despite numerous attempts to get back on it, I just couldn't figure myself out.

After that, I quit smoking. Since then, I have gained a solid 60 pounds and counting. I'd notice my clothing fitting more snug but wouldn't see the change as dramatically as it was when I looked in the mirror. It wasn't until I went to Mexico a week and a half ago that I realized something needs to be done. For the first time EVER I needed an extension on a plane; what made it worse was the seat belt before the extension was only short by an inch (literally!). It was a sign to me that this is going to continue to get so much worse if I don't do something. I was recently laid off and am unemployed. I'm worried that the stress and free time mixed with the emotions of being unemployed will leave me expanding my pants size. Now is a better time than ever to get back on track.

I'm not looking to get skinny. I'm fat and I'm not ashamed to be. However, I have noticed some physical limitations lately that I haven't had previously. Everything else, medically, is okay right now. I don't have high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other common "stigma" with being fat. I don't like putting a number on things but if I had to I'd say that I'd like to (long term) lose about 100 pounds. As of right now, however, the number isn't what is going to matter at all to me. It's the way I feel and the fact that I am making the necessary changes that I need for myself.

I was hoping to join a challenge (like "New Year, New Us") but it's closed. Does anyone have any other challenges on here that are similar to that? I know that I did my best in my previous journey when I stayed dedicated to those challenges. Any other tips and suggestions are wonderful, as well as easy meals that involve little to no cooking (I'm far from a chef but can scramble an egg!)