Is Flavoured Water Good For You? Is This Drink Good For Y

I dont like drinking tap water .

can i drink flavoured water. is this drink good for you it says its got Natural Flavouring in it

Tesco Strawberry Still Flavoured Water 1.5Ltr


  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Yeah, it's fine.
  • Well it doesn't appear to have any natural or artificial sweeteners so I say go for it. There's also carbonated flavored water w/o sweeteners too. Or try putting a pitcher full of water in the fridge w/ lemon or lime slices in it and letting it sit. Or simply cut up lemon and squeeze the juice into the glass w/ your water. It really helps break the monotony of plain water. I've also found that cold is the best!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    It's fine. If you like tea you can count that as water too.
  • Nyrissa
    Nyrissa Posts: 40
    It's probably cheaper just to get likeCrystal Light and put it in water than to keep buying those. Some of the crystal lights are only 15 calories and are sweetened with sugar instead of the fake stuff. That's what I drink.

    And honestly, Natural Flavoring could be grass for all you know. It's not saying it is actual strawberry squeezings in it. So natural can mean anything that grows naturally. Which doesn't mean it's good for you.
  • TRy using tea bags in water to flavor it or more natural ways because this drink, though seems healthy doesn't seem that great for you. It's water with sugar, the kind that's hard for your body to breakdown, chemicals, and vegetable oil, why would you want oil in your water? Trying using lemons or limes and different teas to help flavor your water and maybe add a little honey.
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    I'm not a huge water drinker, either. I do make a ton of iced tea to drink on a daily basis. I have also started putting cucumbers into my water. Sounds weird, but I had that at a spa once and found it tasty. :) Cool and refreshing! :)
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Man up and just drink water ;)
  • My daughter says they should make water slushies, LOL. The consistency of a slushie but just water ;)