Question regarding Calorie count.

Well I screwed up tonight! First time in 2 1/2 months I caved! I have been going strong with no cravings and eating much healthier. Tonight my husband is out to dinner with co-workers and after cleaning the house all day long I decided I would let my kids splurge and eat a little fast food. I took them to Sonics and I went hungry which was why I failed! I ended up ordering myself the Extra Large Coney Chilli Cheese Dog!!!! I only ate half of it though cause I was stuffed. A few months ago I could have eaten the whole thing plus a large fry! So I failed today. :( Anyways back to my question. I cannot seem to eat 1200 calories, I am way under everyday! I notice when I eat around 600 to 800 calories I lose weight but when I finally hit 1200 calories I dont lose. The problem is im stuffing myself (with fruits and veggies) to try and meet those 1200 calories. I feel sick like I ate too much.What do I do? Is it bad that I am under 1200 calories? I eat alot of raw carrots during the day and celery with fat free peanut butter (peanut butter for protein cause i dont eat much meat). I also eat apples and grapes and drink plenty of water. I am down 25 pounds in 2 1/2 months but I want to do this right. Please help.


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Eat if you are hungry.

    Don't eat if you aren't.

    Pay more attention to your weekly calories than the daily ones.

    And tomorrow is a new day, everyone needs some Sonic every once in a while!
  • nikkioli
    nikkioli Posts: 4 Member
    Are you working out? try adding more activity and it should make you hungrier. In the long term eating too few calories is gonna hurt you over all.
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    Good job on your loss to start :-) The reason you may have problems losing at 1200 calories is because when your body is not receiving enough calories (1200 minimum about) it wil start to slow down your metabolism because your body starts going into a natural anti-starvation mode. Once you get your metabolism back up by eating the 1200 you'll start losing again. Plus a pound per week is best to lose so keep that in mind too plus your body will hit plateus along the way and catch up with itself. I have lost 44ish pounds and reached my goal in like 40 weeks. and you didnt fail! today i had chick-fil-a and a cheesesteak for dinner, you def shouldnt deprive yourself but stay within the goals that MFP tells you to be under. If you were over today then workout a little extra tomorrow and eat at 1200. You will definitely see a difference. There are a lot of lean protein out there like turkey and chicken that are good for meals and fiber one bars, granola bars etc. I lost my weight by never depriving myself but like i said i do things in moderation (no fries today but ate yummy and within the fat and carbs allotted even with breakfast and snacks with a whole day of that finishing at 1245 calories :-)
    You can do it though and just track every morsel of food you eat and when you splurge, "buy" your calories with a jog :-)
    Good Luck!!
    SW 155.1
    GW 115
    CW 112
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Maybe you can eat a few nuts and a little more peanut butter to get more calories and protein. I am not a big meat eater so I get a lot of my protein from dairy but some folks can't eat dairy.
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