scale obsession???

I am obsessed with stepping on my scale every morning. My parents bought me a withings scale for this past christmas and its been my secret addiction. Before christmas, I never had this obsession because I never felt the need to own a scale. Two years ago, I got up to my highest weight (181 lbs). Im not making excuses, but I lived on my own, I cant cook, I didnt own a scale, worked three jobs, didnt exercise, and didn't realize I was gaining weight until my mother said I was fat. Yes, she told me I was chucky, fat, and needed to go on a diet. My mother was a drill Sargent in the army, so she speaks her mind and doesn't care.

When I moved back home, I quit two jobs since I didn't have as many bills and started focusing on school and working on my body. I dropped down to 140 last April and gained 10 lbs back this summer. But even when I was gaining the weight back, I was still stepping on my scale daily. I dont know if anyone is familiar with a withings scale, but they have a website and app where they show every time you have weighed in. It also shows your fat mass, lean mass, and bmi. I dont think its an unhealthy obsession since im still eating (sometimes more than i care to tell) but I wanted to see if anyone else is like me.


  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    I step on the scale at least once a day. Sometimes two or three times. I don't think it's an obsession. It's good to know if you're on the right track with your daily eating and exercising.
  • ASaxe23
    ASaxe23 Posts: 158 Member
    I have it bad for my scale and it's not a good thing. I would worry and criticize myself over ever little mistake. This week I gave myself a break. I told myself eff the scale and eff the super crazy calorie counting too. Today I jumped on the scale just because and WOW I'm already about 4 pounds lower than I was after my crazy weekend. I felt pretty good about it too!! So I'm staying off the scale again until Friday.
  • DJmom44
    DJmom44 Posts: 91
    I weigh myself everyday and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I don't obsess about the fluctuations because I know that the overall trend is the weight going down.
  • I had scale obsession for a while. I finally picked two days a week to weigh myself. Sometimes the days change, but it's usually Monday and Thursday. Hope this helps.
  • I weigh-in every after I wake up and do the deed but I only count one weigh in a week for progress. The rest are just to humor me. Remember, your weight fluctuates throughout the day and day to day. I dont think its unhealthy to weigh yourself everyday as long as you dont take it too seriously and focus more on average weight once per week.
  • I can't help it either. I too am guilty of stepping on the scale every morning. I think that as long as people understand that things can fluctuate without getting discouraged then there is no harm. I only report my weight to mfp once a week.
  • kyliecakes0405
    kyliecakes0405 Posts: 73 Member
    OMG your story sounds very similar to mine. My mother was the only person who told me I gained weight and said "Girl you Fat". I started my diet the next week and she is the first one to receive before and after pics!

    That scale you have sounds cool! I have addiction with weighing myself everyday sometime three times a day. But I only log my weekly weight. I think it's a mental thing and helps me remember why I am a dieting. It keeps me from making bad choices and caring about me.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • flamegirl72
    flamegirl72 Posts: 143 Member
    I weigh-in every after I wake up and do the deed but I only count one weigh in a week for progress. The rest are just to humor me. Remember, your weight fluctuates throughout the day and day to day. I dont think its unhealthy to weigh yourself everyday as long as you dont take it too seriously and focus more on average weight once per week.

    I agree. I do it the exact same way..
  • i started with my scale obsession this week for the first time in weeks...i would get discouraged and burned out every time i stepped on the scale and i wasn't where i wanted to I normally weigh in on mondays but i've been sneaking on there more this week...i have to stop that craziness though hehe
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I weigh myself like every other time I go in the bathroom. >_< It's an addiction.
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    'The scale can be a liar! For me its better to weigh in on one day a week and to let it go the rest of the time. I don't want to get hung up on a number as your weight can change throughout the day. Just don't let it make you crazy.
  • i do the same thing. even if it bugs me when i start out at a low weight in the morning and ive put on 5 pounds by the end of the day (solely from water), I still like to know where i stand . As long as you dont freak out because of those little ups and downs throughout the day or week then you'll be fine. If you start to starve yourself because you drank an extra couple cups of water then the scale thing is a bad thing.
  • brmonet
    brmonet Posts: 30 Member
    I dont think I let it get to me. But when i wake up in the morning, I go pee and then step on my scale. I dont jump on it more than once a day, but Im on that scale like clock work every morning. I like to see progress. I like to see my hard work is paying off. And during the week (weekends are my weakness) it inspires me because when i eat healthy, I normally lose weight. The past couple of days I havent worked out but ate under my calorie goal and i was still loseing weight.
  • brmonet
    brmonet Posts: 30 Member
    and also...i wish i would have been on this website when i weighed almost 200lbs...cuz i didnt take one picture of myself. and now i kinda regret it...cuz i have nothing to compare it too
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    I didn't step on for 2 and a half weeks because I had a problem. I pulled it out 3 days ago and have been on every morning... I need to put it away again.
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    I am so addicted to the scale too. I weigh every morning, but I usually only log it once a week or if I see a good loss. I am thinking about hidding my scale for about 2 weeks or longer and just contiue to eat right and workout and see what happens.
  • I'm not familiar with that particular scale however I am definitely someone who keeps motivated by stepping on the scale each morning. Seems to be doing me some good because I've lost 22lbs and it just keeps melting off!
  • RaceTo48Kg
    RaceTo48Kg Posts: 31 Member
    Hmmm... I used to step on the scale every Monday morning then log it in MFP. This time I am trying to weigh myself everyday just to see if i'm still on track because there are times that we eat over our limits, like in my work I always have unexpected events with buffets/packed lunch and on our training there's no other food but fast food. If I see on the scale that I'm losing too slow because of what I ate, I work hard on my workouts because I want to achieve my weekly weight goal. I think it's okay to weigh everyday as long as your objective is to monitor your progress, and working hard instead of crying over a gained pound.
  • RaceTo48Kg
    RaceTo48Kg Posts: 31 Member
    I'm not familiar with that particular scale however I am definitely someone who keeps motivated by stepping on the scale each morning. Seems to be doing me some good because I've lost 22lbs and it just keeps melting off!

    That's right! Keep it as your motivation. Turn it into positive. :smile:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I never used to weigh all time till went to hospital app earlier this year and was shocked to find I was 12 st 7.

    I got some scales and started trying to diet but it wasn't going down much and I got discouraged from going on them and it went up so much in one day.

    Recently I went really low carb and started getting back on morning and night after I lost 5 lbs... I was thrilled to find I only go up by 1 lb now instead of 3-5lb.

    I had some potato today so I'll be going back on to see if I've put more than 1 lb water on, but I was getting stuck again and thought I'd surprise body by throwing some carbs at it for a change.