Food vs. Exercise success storie

Hi everyone I have a quick question for those who have lost they weight they wanted. Which do you think is more important watching what you eat or exercising. I am asking this because I had 2 weeks of no work outs and in those 2 weeks I lost 4.8 lbs which is the most I have lost on MFP in 2 weeks. Now on the weeks that I work out everyday I lose a pound or a little more. So now this has me wondering which do you think was more important with your weight loss.


  • kallico
    kallico Posts: 24 Member
    they say diet is 80-90% of it... its hard to out - exercise a diet. BUT if you want your body to get toned, to see inches melt off, feel great, and realize the amazing benefits of endorphin highs ... then working out is a great thing to keep :)
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    For me the definite answer is food intake.

    But without the exercise my body will not look and react the way i want.

    I not only want to be thin - but also fit and with endurance to spare!

    They go hand in hand for me.
  • I lost 26 pounds and trust me i didn't step foot in the gym that often at all. So dieting totally worked for me. I agree with the other comment tho exercising is great to tone and loose weight quicker.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    For numbers on the scale - food
    For fitting into a smaller dress size - exercise.

    I couldn't have done it without both.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I have several medical problems that produce a sluggish metabolism. If I don't exercise, I don't lose. I eat healthily the vast majority of the time. But for me exercise is key. Also, the exercise and diet form a virtuous circle with each other, for me. They act as mutual reinforcers. When I exercise, I want my food intake to be healthier, and when my food intake is healthier, I want to exercise.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    The way I look at it - I eat right to lose weight - and exercise to be healthy and toned (and feel better about myself) the end you can do all the exercise you want - if you dont change the way you eat you will not be successfull in losing and maintaining your weight.....

    BUT - you after a while you will most probably be "skinny fat" without a decent exercise programme - so for me so far the exercise bit has been in moderation (3 hrs a week in the gym, and another 2 hrs of walking / cycling) - but I hardly took my eye off the eating bit....

    [edit] AND I get to eat more if I exercise - win / win :-)
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    eating is number one

    the reason you lost more is cause exercise causes you to retain water
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    eating is number one

    the reason you lost more is cause exercise causes you to retain water

    Surely you can't be serious.
  • nursemom27
    nursemom27 Posts: 36 Member
    Diet is highly effective for lowering the number on the scale, but exercise is what keeps your insides healthy. Therefore, you live a longer, healthier life. And you look better doing it, cuz that muscle may weigh more, but it looks better than someone thin and without much muscle mass. For the best results, you really need both.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    eating is number one

    the reason you lost more is cause exercise causes you to retain water

    For a couple of days. And then it's gone.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Exercise does not cause you to retain water.... What do you think sweating is?
  • Exercise does not cause you to retain water.... What do you think sweating is?

    Actually, when you exercise you are working your muscles, and in order to grow, your muscles actually tear and then rebuild. That is what the pain is after a hard workout. In order to recover, your muscles need that water, and so yes, you DO retain water weight after exercise if significant muscle if being built.

    Please do your research before criticizing someones advice, the forums are for positive reinforcement and encouragement (:
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    Eating is number 1 for me, I just couldn't control (or chose not to) my portion sizes. However, I'm making sure that I'm exercising and doing strength training because I want my body to be strong and look strong, instead of just looking thinner through watching what I'm eating. The truth is I have nightmares about bingo wings, so I'm doing all I can to avoid that.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    totally the food!
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    Nutrition has to come first, but you exercise is what really tones and shapes your body. Like others have said, muscles do retain a bit of water during recovery from exercise, but it will drop off...don't let if impact what you are doing. Make sure to drink plenty of water. I would also be watching your food intake, make sure you are getting enough "net calories" when you exercise, make sure you are fueling your body!

    From my own experience, I really have to work to make sure I eat enough calories on days that I work out hard...if I don't make sure to eat enough, I won't lose weight nearly as quickly. Also, 5 pounds lost without working out, doesn't look nearly as good as 5 pounds lost while exercising and toning (huge difference in actual inches lost).

    Keep it up!
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Definitely have to cut the calories and learn to eat in a reduced way. My friend is losing weight under a doctor's supervison. The doc said not to exercise any more now than she will for the rest of her life. It's all about adopting a new way of life and being able to stick to it.

    I've lost my weight through diet alone but now must start exercising to be fit. I figured I'd conquer one demon at a time, you know?
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