Warning message for my bathroom me weight loss or ur gonna get thrown out the BLOODY WINDOW!!!!!!!!! maintaning weight when i wanna loss, clothes feeling much bigger and scales are telling me im getting fatter!!!!!! this is the point that i hand my hat in and say F**K IT!!! help need MOTIVATION :O(


  • i am going through the exact same thing. ive gained weight somehow which is bull****. i decided im not gonna weight myself for a couple of weeks and then see where i am. its way to derpessing seeing no change.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I had this problem and got very frustrated. turned out I was retaining water from not drinking enough. I drank well for 2 days and then bam the extra weight was gone. There are many reasons you could be " gaining" but, if you know it is not your diet then it could be just water weight or muscle. Do not be discouraged!
  • I understand where you're coming from! I get so upset when I don't lose weight and I have never really done measurements so I do everything off weight haha! I think taking measurements is the way to go!

    If you have been doing a lot of exercise it could just be that you're gaining muscle and toning up which is awesome!

    Also saw this thread which was a good read
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Have you upped your exercise or started something new? Any muscle stiffness? If so, the raise could be down to water retention.

    If not, you might want to look carefully at what you're logging and how... ?
  • bugsygal89
    bugsygal89 Posts: 48 Member
    scales aren't always accurate :-/ sometimes you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. Also, if you haven't used the bathroom in a while, just ate a meal or are stressed, your body holds on to that weight. The worst part? Sometimes you can't even tell by your pants because if you are bloated, you will feel like you gained weight!!!

    Just remember if you are doing it right, you will start shedding those pounds :-)
  • Alka97
    Alka97 Posts: 74
    Dont worry about ur scale just now maybe its not accurete. maybe its stunding on something which doesnt allowe it to get it correctly. But more likely u gained mussles, as u probably know mussles are heavier than fat, or it can be ur tom comming soon, or ur water intake, or....

    there is hundreds of things that may explain it, but u dont need to worry if ur clothes seems bigger it means u r smaller isnt it thing to celebrate ?!

    I hope it will go down so u will get happier and enjoy being new you :D
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 549 Member
    The only thing I have to add is a good vocab word -defenestrate it means to throw through or out of the window. I threaten to defenestrate my scale on a regular basis!
  • Gayly
    Gayly Posts: 6
    i have a very mood scale so I usually only weigh myself early morning after I pee (before drinking anything). I step on it 3-5 times to see what it decides. Many times the first time is incorrect so the multi weigh-ings gives me a little more hope and encouragement. I also know it really depends on the time of month, usually right before and during i see little to no loss but approximately 1 week after I see the loss. I do understand wanting to throw out the scale but it keeps me on track, eager to see it finally go down. If I don't watch I start to drift and then avoid...we all have our tricks to help, hope mine do!
  • ctriston
    ctriston Posts: 71 Member
    this happened to a friend of mine, she was exercising and keeping to the cals.....her clothes loose etc...but weight not moving. She started drinking loads of water, 8 glasses plus a further glass for every 25 lb over her goal weight.

    Initially she put on 4 pound (water) and was devastated, the next day she was losing and still in, now below her start point.

    I drinking 3 glasses before every meal. flush out sodium
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    Your scale is probably meeting up with mine - out the window! Gained 10 lbs since last Sunday, keeping under cal goal, exercising and clothes getting bigger but the scale says I gained 10 lbs.
    So, the scale and I have broken up! We are no longer seeing each other!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Boy oh boy, can I identify with all of you today!!:cry:

    Today is my weigh-in day and I am UP a half~ just yesterday, I must have gotten 10 compliments on how good I looked and even thought it myself.

    I even allowed myself to think that maybe I'd see a big loss this morning!!
